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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

Talk about relationships of all kinds, ask for advice, or just vent

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


To incinerate shadows Anonymous 119860

I lose every shouting match with your ghost//You stand in the coner I backed you into//Though there's no eyes to follow I know you watch my every move//At night peeling yourself from the wall taunting until I snap//Waking up with another sore throat and you still waiting and saying nothing//The face says everything

Anonymous 119934

my eyes are pinned to your back//they always have been//i fold myself into the corner, the crevice you created for me// it feels like home// like all the love, all the sex, all the time i watched pass me by// from this corner// from this home// your voice is scratchy in the morning// i wish i could tell you to save it// i wish i didn't love the cravings it gave to me// you look at me as if you know what every line, blemish, and scar means//
but how? i've never so much as gifted you a single fold of my slithering, lying, falsifying, slut-rotten tongue

Anonymous 119943

Phrases never spoken//Now conjured from the void I spit//I didn't know words could hurt this way//How many times have I done this//The double edge sword is caught in my throat//Like a dead star whose message only now reaches us//My fate sealed years ago

Anonymous 119967

confused// stupid girl// i run through the maze //like the cock throated egotistical wannabe i am// jumping from star to star with my radio telescope// Interferometry bitch// i’ve tied you to me.// sealed your fate in my communication to the stars//

Anonymous 119977

Two wrists tied drowning in the vacuum//Even in space I can feel your heat//The rope burn will imotalize our contact//Will historians, get off to this//Or is this montage enough//Enough to prove we were more then products//Independent celestial bodies fleeting and frozen

Anonymous 119985

come darling// let me free your wrists with my gentle tongue// pls let me consume you [/spoiler)//historians can call us the space cowgirls of their perverted dreams // and we’ll suck on the others’ spaghetti-faction// dance around these black holes, white dwarves, and nebulas with me honey pot // [spoiler] i can’t find in myself a way to stop// let me kiss that rope burn one more time

Anonymous 120003

Free to explore//In the confines of a neural map//The sexually charged destiny they repeated on loop//Youth a classroom for a single lesson//Yet between your thighs I forget//The voyage feels new and spontaneous as if we chose it//The crash is predictable//The unbearable heat before we're swallowed by foreign earth//This next kiss a prayer//Hope for a new death

Anonymous 120029

protoplanetary // the ghost of you on top of me // bright, like a goddamn fairy // carbon monoxide, i dont know her// i fucking love her // i only know you, the dreams of you inside me

a blur

a supernova

an unsurety

there was never anywhere else i was supposed to be // only the brightness of you, thru the carbon monoxide sprawl// can guide me through the intrepid darkness of it all // as ellen hutter, i beg on my knees // star crossed love sets me free
fear that it really binds me, fear of obsession, fear of loss of self, fear of fusion, fear that now i am nothing,simply lost in space made to be consumed and used and i fear ill never find a way out of here o god! prooplantery! how you scare me! its so big and empty out here cries //

Anonymous 120057

Forced out of the self oxygen trying to escape//A metaphor for soul//Or ecstasy//My lungs are going to explode//

Have yours decayed

Have you decayed

Do we feed off eachother

Gas and fire//They never taught of plasma//Historically accurate collapse//The end like the beginning//Loose chemical structures separate and unsure//Defined by viewer//Confined by definition//

Anonymous 120099

in decaying in you i find new life

in your rotting flesh, i pick apart bones to spell out my glee

as we are both consumed the fungi picking at your veins as i always wanted

shock seeps in

we are recreated not as you and me

but as one

one awful mess of goop and slude

and its more powerful than you inside me ever was

so i cry

so you cry

so we are one

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