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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 119884

>mfw i will never have a gf like picrel because women like this don't exist
Why live.

Anonymous 119887

Flat-chested girls with short hair do exist

Anonymous 119895

No way. Do you promise?

Anonymous 119911

who drew this,,, plz,,, i need to know,,,,

Anonymous 119912

Isn't this some troon fetish transformation?

Anonymous 119917

I need her so bad oh my land

Anonymous 119930

lacryboy on xitter. she draws porn almost exclusively though so keep that in mind, and iirc she has only drawn this specific character twice.
i think that's the original intention yeah but to me it's just an illustration of the perfect woman.
maybe if you and me and all the other women who want her think about her very hard she will come to life and we could all love her.

Anonymous 119932

I've seen a few female discord mods but they are all pickmes for scrotes, good luck

Anonymous 119951

lacryboy is a girl? i've been misled by the ''boy'' in her username i guess lmao
that makes her art less repulsive to me. a fucked up weirdo girl into drawing weird shit is always better than a moid into the same things. simple as

Anonymous 119953

This is literally troon art, looks like the worst type of person is using crystal cafe aka femcel larpers or men in dresses

Anonymous 119955

Their sex is unknown afaik but from their art I think it's pretty obvious that they're a biological woman.

Anonymous 120067

Looks like a nasty pooner

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