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I will always be the old person I was Anonymous 119890

I have had difficulties in my childhood even until now because of my mental human condition. Everyone knows me me as the child who had insane periodic outbursts at periods and no one feels safe around me. I was always paranoid about my digital footprint, but people have archived some of them and people have found it. I used to say hateful or shocking things, and do them to "fit" in because I never had a community and these seemed like the only people willing to accept me. People have found these footprints.

I have nowhere to be. Rather, there is no place that needs me. Even if I change, there is still this person that I used to be that has undoubtedly affected other people negatively. Everything I've done has brought some sort of hardship.

It's not enough to just change and be a better person. I will die

Anonymous 119956

hey anon are you still there

Anonymous 119960

i feel like there is 2 sides to this story, on one hand your mental dis-regulation and on the other is the modern internet's sense of self righteousness and purity spiraling where changing for the better is not welcome since they need to pat themselves on the back with the whole at least i am not that, the only way out for you is start using obscure forums and message boards(like this one) and almost dead websites and avoid ''political'' people like the plague other way is to start going to the most outdoor activities you can find since overly online people do not like that

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