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Damn, parasocial relationships. Anonymous 119896

So I have a crush on a Twitch streamer.

Normally, when I know that I have a crush on some e-celeb… if you could even call him that? I mean, he’s known but I don’t think he’s MASSIVELY known, you know? I guess he’s somewhat obscure and has been throughout his streaming career.

But anyway, whenever I feel a crush coming on, I would either watch their content less or stop watching altogether. Even worse when there is already a GF in the picture and it’s awkward fantasizing about a man who is already serious with someone else.

Like, they already have history (and not to mention, the GF is always cool as HELL too— usually talented with something related to games) and I’m absolutely talentless and not as knowledgeable about the subculture.

I don’t know but this morning I started to cry over this because DAMN.

I could never have the man— our worlds seem so vastly different and he seems mentally stable and I’m a cocktail of psychiatric illnesses, I bet. But also, even if I wanted a man like him , again, I am not “Twitch Streamer GF” material. I love video games and wished to be a dev, at some point. But I feel like I’m too old to make my break in the scene. Everyone had been around since child and teen years but I’m in my mid-20s with NO exposure to these communities.

I don’t know. Recently, I’ve been struggling with this crush but also the realization that I wasted my childhood dream of being a game dev, too. I am sorry if I sound all over the place but thank you for reading !!

Anonymous 119898

Literally me with Toby Fox

Anonymous 119901

Literally me with Husum, cutie danish streamer who obviously has an American girlfriend

Anonymous 119903


Like, how do you even cope!? I’m in shambles and I don’t want to become desperate enough to comment in their stream chats or even donate money for the chance to be recognized.

I’ve done it once for my old Twitch crush during COVID era and never again— it felt pathetic but also I don’t ever want to debase myself like that again.

It’s funny because I don’t believe I can ever catch a QT Twitch BF but, at the same time, if I catch their attention then it has to be through something more respectable than that.

I am one of those choosing beggars, it seems.

Anonymous 119910

Tbh I never commented on his live streams or donated kek. I’m a poor neet so how could I? But I’d seethe whenever his supposed gf popped in chat and talked about his dick.
Anyway I have ripped myself away from the parasocial relationship. Very easy to cope: 1)remember he’s taken and/or above your league if you’re also a stinky femcel neet and 2) he wouldn’t notice me because I’m too shy and poor to attention whore on his stream, I never even bothered to say hi kek
Although I did have the pleasure of playing with him when he did let’s plays with viewers

Anonymous 119938


Silly chronically-online (before the undertale era) and a weirdo, bet he is watching brainrot stuff all day.

Love his music, I consider him smart, and that's it. He is not handsome but is cute enough for me to want to bully him

Unfortunately I'll never be a japanese Vtuber, at this point I think he has a japanese girlfriend, wouldn't be surprised by how much he travels there.

Megalovania from Homestuck best version of Megalovania btw.

Anonymous 119973

I’m in this exact same situation with a streamer. He’s such a talented and funny guy and I wanna try streaming too just to try and be one of his peers but I’m too much of an autist to apply myself to it and get his attention as an equal. It’s not fair I could totally have him if I wasn’t such a neurotic piece of shit.

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