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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 119920

Does it bother you if you're partner is open about their previous relationships, previous ONS, ex-girlfriends, ex-wives, and such and always brings them up?

Anonymous 119922

the woman who woul…

>previous relationships
I will only accept a virgin

Anonymous 119923

I'm 30, so I'll never have my virgin husband, but I literally never want to hear about his ex's. EVER. They don't fucking exist and he will never acknowledge them in my presence.

Anonymous 119924


>if he never talks about his exes they don't exist
Is picrel you?

Anonymous 119925

I just don't want to be reminded of them. It's cope, but it's how I cope and it works to just never HAVE to think about them.

Anonymous 119926

No offense, but I think it's kind of pathetic

Anonymous 119927

Well, I am pathetic. I'm hideous and a failure at life, but I managed to land a great guy who's good looking and I don't want to be constantly reminded of the other, better women he's been with.

Anonymous 119928

Anonymous 119936

I kinda like it, I like feeling lowk like a fem cuck, but a cuck of the future? I love hearing the shit they got up to because im curious and it's part of me self sabotaging … lalalalalalallalalalal

Anonymous 119941

Completely fine to have these feelings.

Anonymous 120032

Yeah it did.
I personally brought it up too often / showed a lot of disdain (bad pokerface..)
I learnt moids don't like it a lot whenever you mention your discomfort.

My ex told me I made him feel like a slut…
I don't think it's abnormal to get annoyed about.

But if some men are anything like women, it could be something of a 'shit test' to see how crazy you are down the line whenever they mention other women

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