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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

Talk about relationships of all kinds, ask for advice, or just vent

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 119958

What do you do when you run out of things to talk about and they're not interested anymore?

Anonymous 119959

maybe go to sleep first since its late for (you)

Anonymous 120033

if its a new fren, change the topic to a random fact or talking point of your interest.

it gives them an insight to who you are (i you prefer introvert hobbies they may realise you arent chatty)

It also gives you an idea if they respect your ideals as a person.

If you know this person well, just send them a meme of an inside joke.

but if it's someone you don't know very well.. ie a normie coworker; just state the obvious. "uh the weather is so bad"

srry for going off i have autismo ramblings on conversations.

Anonymous 120040

this, i don't know why it took so long for it to click (probably cause i'm autistic and got good at masking it in high school) but you literally can just talk to people about the things that are on your mind. if you find it interesting the odds are decent they will too

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