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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 119969

Anyone else just accept the fact that they'll never have a husband and kids? How do you cope?

Anonymous 119970

When you realize that most men watch porn you stop caring about their opinions.

Anonymous 119974


Men aren't real. It's just three racoons wearing a trenchcoat. They want to raid your refrigerator and steal your pies while you sleep.

Anonymous 119975


Anonymous 119976

Pay for a matchmaking service?

Anonymous 119988

I don't need to care about their opinions. I want them to impregnate me and help me build a healthy family.

Anonymous 119989

Since i've got divorced i've been on celibate, no kids tho.

I hate men in general, I'd rather be alone than having to waste time trying to get to know someone and have to worry about him, besides, once men lose interest they stop showing or giving little details that make you happy.

All I need are my girl friends around, they give me all the attention and talking I need, I love my friend group.

Anonymous 119991

How old are you? I feel friend groups are even more volatile and will go from very tight to barely talking and treating you (or each other) like mere acquaintances in an instant once the time comes.

Anonymous 119994

I'm 31, my group is from high school, I've started to hang out with them more nowadays so it doesn't feel volatile at all.

Anonymous 119995


Anonymous 119996

> started to hang out with them more nowadays
yeah that's normal
Mid to late 30s is typically where the erosion starts.
Best of luck though.

Anonymous 119997

shut up debby

Anonymous 119998


Well at least I've got some good memories.

Hope to end up like this someday, having a friend to chill as an old lady sounds cool too.

Anonymous 119999

I don't cope. I rot. I had my one chance and blew it on hedonistic abandon that, surprise surprise, was fun for a moment and then completely hollow.

Anonymous 120009

iktf nona. Had basically what I would consider my ideal relationship. Incredibly reliable, one of a kind person, I trusted him deeply. 12 years together.
I fucked it up because I got "bored" and things felt "stale" to me.
So I threw it all away for essentially half a year of "fun".

I hate myself and I deserve to be hated and to be miserable.

Anonymous 120010

Was the guy hot at least

Anonymous 120016

Above average I'd say. But not super hot or anything.

Anonymous 120017

He was so hot that he didn't think he needed to bathe.

Anonymous 120018

I only had 3 years with mine. He's now happily married with kids and I'm alone. Probably how it should be.

Anonymous 120019

are you my boyfriend's ex…

Anonymous 120035


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