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how do i make friends? (online?) Anonymous 120109

i have been lonely for a long time. my entire life, really. i haven't ever had a friend in real life. i haven't ever had a friend online, either. i was likely diagnosed with autism as a child.
my coworkers are just acquaintances. we won't be true friends because they're way older than me and are all married and some have kids. our lives are too different. they don't like me enough to be my friends. i live in a small town with basically zero options for making friends. so i want to look online.
i join discord servers and feel left out. i feel like i am annoying and trying to become part of an established group is difficult. i am either left feeling ignored or uncomfortable.
i want a friend that's nice. i want a friend that understands me. i want a friend that isn't too crazy and doesn't heavily drink or smoke or do drugs or watch/make porn.
i cry about it a lot. the other day at work, i saw a young woman that looked so nice and had such a kind smile that i almost cried looking at her.
i don't really know what friends do anyway. i imagine a friend and daydream about eating cake together, about hugging each other, about giving presents to each other, about going to each other's weddings, about knowing everything about each other.
my heart aches for a friend. what can i do?

Anonymous 120117

You know, I've spent like 25 minutes looking at this chatbox thinking of what to type to help you out nona, I know what its like to have that great big black nothing in your heart, wanting for someone to confide in. Its certainly not easy trying to find someone online, and it certainly does pale in comparison to the real deal irl, but it can help you get that necessary social experience to actually befriend someone in the real world. General pointers for online, stay away from large public discords, find a super niche game or hobby that has a small community, and go from there just, talking to people. If you get lucky, you might just find someone who'll be proactive and invite you to their friendgroup.

Even if you don't do any of this, I still wish you luck, nona, and be careful out there as well.

Anonymous 120148

its hard to say nona. The only way to really make friends online these days is to become part of a community and create stuff, I'm lucky in that im a history nerd obessed with mediveal weapons and stuff and I've managed to become part of a little clique who likes to talk about and design those things. but even then I'm like you and am the youngest and least accomplished so theirs still abit of a disconnect. What interests do you have? Like if you like anime/drama shows you could atleast join a fandom and write fanfics or something…

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