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I am so BORED with life. Anonymous 120113

How do I create some “magic” in my daily routines?

It seems as if all I do is a TON of college coursework that is made even more difficult because I live with family who want me to work on their schedule (which means studying and finishing + submitting work can’t be done in the house since I must be available to their every beck and call). So I have to cram for hours while in college.

This constant work and stress cycle has left me feeling stagnant and bored. How can I not feel like kms every single day?

I considered saving money to rent a motel room for the weekend, for starters.

Anonymous 120162

This might be shit advice but I just try to find things to get excited about, it doesn't have to be anything big, sometimes I try to get obsessed over media or something so I'll be excited to spend time consuming it. Could be a hobby or some little treat you grant yourself on a certain day. lowkey jealous of the yumejoshi bc they always seem to get excited about doing things related to their waifu/husbando, way better than getting obsessed over someone real since you can't get hurt or disappointed either

Anonymous 120163

Sounds like your family is just being a big bitch and making shit dificult for no reason.
Instead of a motel, maybe try renting a cheap air bnb, you may have to be willing to drive out to find something affordable for a week long stay. I did this a few times years ago and helped me destress from my families petty bullshit.
Otherwise you could try spending all your time at the library, but I'm a nerd so I like quiet spaces

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