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job feels Anonymous 120175

people treat me like shit at work.
why can't I have a job where I don't go home and feel like crying?

Anonymous 120176

What's your job? What do people do to you?

Anonymous 120179

CNA, which is a shitty enough job as it is. You would think coworkers would have your back, but no. RNs, doctors, techs, other CNAs will go out of their way to insult you, set you up for failure, or otherwise beat you down.

I heard a nurse say that you have to suck it up and deal with it, toughen up to get good at the job, but that seems contradictory. It's like you the more heartless you are the better nurse you are??? We are supposed to be helping people. I wanted to be an RN but now I don't know what I want to do.

Anonymous 120180

it's been like this everywhere all my life though. why can't people just be fucking nice?

Anonymous 120193

Hospitals are shit. Take your skills elsewhere.

Anonymous 120198

Pivot into something else nona, become an X-ray tech or mri tech. At the very least the load of people you have to deal with will decrease significantly

Anonymous 120207

Industry is filled with 40+ people taking out their midlife crisis frustration on younger coworkers.
You need to memorise key phrases so that they leave you alone, deepseek gave me some pretty good ones, also write down everything and write a email to HR as soon as necessary, I hate snitching but when the bully puts you in a position where you know he's gonna tell a bunch of bullshit about you to management, you gotta snitch to protect your ass, people that act like this in the work place are usually used to making people quit.

Anonymous 120208

Nta but ye that’s what made me quit my job, had a snarky old lady making snide remarks to me and petty passive aggressive comments on a daily basis. Not my fault you messed up your life and have to slave away until your 80s grandma

Anonymous 120211

I had a really good friend group at work last year, but this year a new guy has joined our workplace and ruined the dynamics. He's a textbook narcissist, and I don't use that term lightly - he displays all traits described by the DSM 5. He constantly needs recognition and thinks that doing an act of kindness means he can boss me around 30 minutes later because "I owe him". Sadly, the other girls in my friend group are caring, kind human beings. They buy his pathetic sad-clown act and give him endless supplies of attention, to the point where they're exhausted after talking to him. To contrast, he gets mad that I don't react to him and give him the attention he craves.

He's started making an effort to talk to my friends when I'm not there and I've now noticed a gradual shift in everyone's attitude towards me (barring my closest friend). I've been told to stop being mean to him, this fucking jerk who regularly makes fun of me and everyone else; he's clearly been playing the sad act behind my back to make me the villain. Heaven knows what the fuck I've even said that is worse than his typical 'banter;' my guess is that my "meanness" is really just a complete lack of empathy and will to be his therapist. It pisses me off - anything mean he does against me is smoothed-over, because he traps my friends in an hours-long conversation that explains why really he's the good guy in this scenario.

I've just been biding my time, hoping that my friends will eventually smarten up and realise how exploitative he's being, but I think they're charmed by him rather than repulsed. I'll need to start subtly pointing out his manipulative behaviours as they appear.

Anonymous 120215

From what I remember, last time I checked on workplace bullying, Nursing had the highest bullying and hazing rate of any career path. Second highest is teaching, but teaching just had a lot of mild bullying whereas nursing was both very common and extremely vicious. Like "maliciously poisoning targets with hospital drugs, possibly with the intention of getting them fired" vicious.

This means that career paths that are INFAMOUS for their cruel hazing periods, which specifically go out of their way to recruit bullies, have less bullying than the care professions. The United States Marine Corps has less bullying and less hazing than nursing. Teachers are more likely to be former school bullies than cops are. There is more bullying in the nursing sector than in the prison guard sector. And nurses, unlike teachers, will fairly frequently resort to physical violence, or acts of a sexual nature including sexual blackmail. And society will frequently support or permit the bully nurses even in the more extreme cases, sexual blackmail being effective because it plays into the retarded malebrained delusions reinforced by media publishing scandals and blackmail with headlines like "naughty nurse" etc. This physical violence was particularly common in former second-world countries where senior nurses would start criminal organizations and reign over their hospitals by entering the drug and prostitution trades as madams, though I no longer remember the in depth true crime documentaries on that subject.

Anonymous 120225

Doesn't sound like your friend group was that good though, like in this scenario maybe good friends will give you the "he's a psycho but be nice to him" talk but not turn on you like this.
>anything mean he does against me is smoothed-over, because he traps my friends in an hours-long conversation that explains why really he's the good guy in this scenario.
This might just be you being paranoid nona
>pathetic sad-clown act
Not an act, peak suffering actually

Anonymous 120226

>I wanted to be an RN but now I don't know what I want to do.
I've been an RN for about five years now and while treatment can differ unit to unit or specialty to specialty, nearly everywhere everyone is on edge because of short staffing and high acuity. This unfortunately results in a hostile work environment since everyone is tired and stressed and displacing their frustration onto each other. When you're a nurse to a degree you do have to "suck it up" when it comes to stressful situations like a patient coding, someone sundowning, having to place an IV in a hard stick patient who's already angry etc, but you should never accept lateral violence as part of the job. If you work at a hospital, you should reach out to your manager about the hostility and request to transfer if it's not addressed. If you leave, send an email ccing your director and supervisor explaining your reason for leaving. It's short staffed everywhere so don't feel inclined to stay in one department.

I have worked with several CNAs who started out as nursing assistants with the intention to become RNs but switched majors once they experienced working bedside. If you decide to not become an RN I do recommend becoming a radiology tech. The pay is comparable to nursing, two years of schooling, and less direct patient care.

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