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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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job feels Anonymous 120175

people treat me like shit at work.
why can't I have a job where I don't go home and feel like crying?

Anonymous 120176

What's your job? What do people do to you?

Anonymous 120179

CNA, which is a shitty enough job as it is. You would think coworkers would have your back, but no. RNs, doctors, techs, other CNAs will go out of their way to insult you, set you up for failure, or otherwise beat you down.

I heard a nurse say that you have to suck it up and deal with it, toughen up to get good at the job, but that seems contradictory. It's like you the more heartless you are the better nurse you are??? We are supposed to be helping people. I wanted to be an RN but now I don't know what I want to do.

Anonymous 120180

it's been like this everywhere all my life though. why can't people just be fucking nice?

Anonymous 120193

Hospitals are shit. Take your skills elsewhere.

Anonymous 120198

Pivot into something else nona, become an X-ray tech or mri tech. At the very least the load of people you have to deal with will decrease significantly

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