dropout loser Anonymous 120178
I got my ged and left highschool because i couldn't deal with the work even though i didnt study for the test and passed with a 3.8 gpa. went to college and its the ame as highschool. had to drop out because it was kinda the same thing… is it over for me? i have a part time janitorial job i never sign up for and no asperations in life. i know my parents are dissapointed in me and i really think ill live with them forever, i just hate the endless monotony of work and school. im perfectly happy living online, but i know eventually theyll get sick of providing for me
Anonymous 120181
Similar boat. If I were you I'd just take the jany job because some money is better than no money, if nothing else you can feel less like a piece of ahit by atleast paying your own phone bill or something, maybe take them out to eat everyother week. Go on indeed and look up different kinda jobs, save anything that even remotely interests you and research it. At the moment I'm an overnight baker for a supermarket which is pretty monotonous but atleast I'm not screeched at by geriatrics all day like most service jobs and the pay is decent. My goal is so save up to buy a cheap ass piece of land and homestead, maybe you can do the same. If you live with your parents and save up all your checks you can probably buy yourself a pimped out trailer in like a year, or maybe a cheap condo if you move to bumblefuck nowhere
Last resort you can save up for a pc and vtube. Seems pretty lucrative if you can stand stroking moid ego for money.
Anonymous 120192
>>120178I was in a similar situation to you. Now over 10 years later I drive trains in my state and make decent money. Never give up.
Anonymous 120199
>>120192How'd you get into that? I always wanted to be a train driver but it always seemed like something you needed to know people to have a shot…
Anonymous 120202
>>120199I was in a subway adjacent role before this that kinda sucked, so it helps to get your foot in on the entry level. Probably works the same for traditional trains, get in on the entry level and keep a lookout for openings.