
Anonymous 120289

I'm used to be introverted friendless slob who desperately wanted human attention and now I'm leader of small student organization (which is part of bigger organization) and God, I'm so tired of these cunts. They all are sick, either physically or mentally. You can't plan shit with them, because tomorrow they're having migraines and mental breakdowns. My boss demands me to find new people convince them into joining my organization. How the fuck I am supposed to do it when no one, no one wants to meet new people and talk with them even for hour. Those fucks talk about how they don't like studying and retarded professors, but when they have the opportunity to skip classes and do something useful they all suddenly choose lectures and shit. They only come for the fun part and never want to help in non fun parts. Screw this shit,
Anonymous 120291
>>120289what kinda organization is it? since you're the leader, can't you just take it easy and make everyone else do the work?
Anonymous 120292
>>120291herding cats is what leaders do, it's why no one actually likes being in charge, just envious of the attention those who are have on them.
Anonymous 120335
This is an absolutely silly vent, I guess it's a pet peeve… but does any one else hate how on threads like "what's the worst thing you've ever done", the replies are always some nonsense like "the worst thing I did to a woman is my mum really hurt when she gave birth to me"… No seriously. What's the percentage of men who've raped, what's the percentage of men who've deceived to obtain sex… apparently something like 50% of german men have purchased a prostitute… Am I seriously led, on male dominated message boards to believe that the worst thing you've ever done is "I cheated on my geography homework because the world map was on the back of my schoolboook" or whatever.
I get that people aren't actually going to dig deep, reach into that deep mental abyss, and really talk about the worst recesses of their mind… or incriminate themselves. But honestly, try to at least post the second or third worst anecdote, not some random zany anecdote which is obviously forgivable because you were 12, and if you want to claim a zany anecdote is the worst thing you've ever done, at least make it a zany anecdote where you unwittingly ruin someone's life.
Anonymous 120376
I'm talking to this guy I met online and at first we seemed to really hit it off, we were able to talk for hours on end about nothing and he seemed to share the same feelings for me. We would have a lot of fun together.
Now after a few weeks of talking he's suddenly started to act lukewarm about me, gives me mixed signals and gives me the shortest answers he can to my texts.
I can't help but feeling hurt, I don't know what to do. I feel like the problem is probably me being too available and clingy.
I feel like the damage is done and that there's nothing I can really do to fix it. I hope I'm wrong but it seems like I'm not.
Can anyone give me advice on what to do?
Anonymous 120382
I don't want to be mentally ill. I don't want to be mentally handicapped. I don't want to be scared and stressed all the time.
Anonymous 120404
I've started to mush my favorite characters together to make an original husbando in an original world to escape to. I feel pretty pathetic about it.
Anonymous 120441
I don't want to go home. I want to dissapear and start over but I'm too scared.
Anonymous 120443

I'm way too old for my bf but I still allow him to control me and manipulate me because being a femcel was much worse, or maybe not, either way I rly feel like there's nothing else I could be doing and having an uneventful life was even more painful. Pic unrelated.
Anonymous 120450

i honestly do not enjoy watching shows or movies anymore after realizing how much of a propaganda mill it is. disney is one of the worst companies out there for creating new media ((live action """remakes""")) just for people to ragebait at.
never become a pawn for someone else or let them manipulate you to go against your desires anons. here's an example - if you're ever like, i literally have no idea what is attractive because the media is literally brainwashing me to go against my desires, literally just look at attractive and cute people around you and see who they date in the long term.
people who weaponize others suck.
Anonymous 120451
>>120450oh yea anons
and if youre ever like, why does this person want me to rage at this other person so bad, its because they did shitty things to them. thats why.
practice same gender friendship and fuck people who do the above. genuinely life ruining shit
Anonymous 120453
How can a person be so gross to make a post on women's day and call women annoying in the same fucking post? the post was about her fave fictional character self-insert too, not about women at all.
Imagine using women's day to praise a fictional woman and at the same time shit on another fictional woman
Anonymous 120455
highly recommend this channel btw
Anonymous 120456
>>120450i mean just looking at its CEO right
Anonymous 120458
please don't use this thread to post ugly scrotes thank you
Anonymous 120462

>>120444Mostly just sex and making me feel guilty, he gets irritated if i refuse, even if he's the one initiating it (he whines and turns his back on me, doesn't let me hug him or anything until I apologize). I know I'm hard to love too since I cry a lot and I'm awkward at saying cutesy stuff so I guess it evens out.
Anonymous 120470

i only help people when i detach completely from my feelings and become numb to their problems. the help i offer isnt even that good so it's very exhausting and not so rewarding. i want to be a reliable person at all costs.
Anonymous 120477
>>120376stop caring and he will likely like you more. idk why but guys are like this. i think they like to feel like they caught something special and they can't if you're always available. like let him earn you. even if he doesn't start to like you more, you'll feel detached enough to move on.
Anonymous 120484

>>120288I miss him so much but he does not even care
Anonymous 120493
theres this thing people do where they encourage people to go to countries and do really sexually torturous things.
its not hard. make your tone of voice really indifferent, and throw in sadistic humour.
it really is fucked up, its fucked up to read when you see it happening to certain countries, and oftentimes it just encourages someone to do sadistic sexual torture there
there is quite literally no reason why someone would have to do this. thats what joker is based off by the way. yes it makes people want to kill themselves and self harm
Anonymous 120494
>>120493i mean
doesnt have to be countries. could be people in general
Anonymous 120495
>>120494and when it happens, or whatever, it feels like "pins and needles", and causes a bunch of emotional instability. i think the point of why 4chan is so destabilizing is because they do this a lot. with races of women, and groups of people
and yeah. theres probably a lot of women and teens who killed themselves because of this panicked feeling. also, sometimes there are women who dislike women that have this sexual sadism performed onto them. know whats happening and realize that they would not do this to someone they cared about.
i dont. know why you would do this to anyone really. but the point is that its wrong.
for some reason "i love" statements help a lot. it doesnt really bother you as much when you realize that they do it because theyre hateful people and want to spread hatred.
Anonymous 120496
>>120495just dont.
involve people in "despair" lol
Anonymous 120510
>>120509you are not a cat
you will never be a cat
literally no one actually likes cats
i am 100 lbs
there is still someone more sexually dimorphic than you
Anonymous 120583

I'm tired of pretending I give a shit about college. Honestly, I've been burnt out for a good time now and I'm barely managing to do schoolwork. I'm not even sure I actually want to work as an animator, I kind of chose this major because I'm good at drawing, but I fear that's not enough for me to be good. Should've studied an humanity, but maybe if I was, I'd be feeling the same way too. There's no scape.
Anonymous 120591

Tired of my job but also too scared to try working somewhere new
Anonymous 120598
I'm VERY good at meeting new people but HORRIBLE at sustaining the friendship. Only if they're really cute I'll try to poke and prod them, otherwise I simply don't give much of a shit. No idea why. Therapistfriend says it could be me dictating value in people and cutting them out if they don't reach a certain "worth". I'm too scared to visit a real therapist for this reason.
Anonymous 120599
>>120598I relate to this
I can make a great first impression but after that it's like a timer starts counting down until they realize there's something fundamentally wrong
Anonymous 120600
>>120598>>120598Same, except I don't want to keep anyone close.
Anonymous 120604

a life of coexistence with others is impossible. it seems the common reason to not end it all is because it regards the emotions of others, not yourself. i'd understand the sentiment but there is truly, and i mean truly no one that needs me and no one will particularly be harmed by my loss. it feels pretty pointless to continue now, and there is no one harmed by my selfishness
Anonymous 120633

Don't think I'll go out tonight. Too busy thinking about the people I still love but are too far from my reach
Anonymous 120637
I wish I had a friend to talk with and do things with. Last week I sat next to a table of girls drinking and having fun and I want that so desperately. I have nowhere to meet people and I don't bring anything too interesting to the table tbh. My last friend from college who I used to occasionally text finally ghosted me completely last year. No online friends. Only social media is here, tumblr, and reddit so the problem is getting worse.
Anonymous 120641
For the first time in a long time I looked out over the stair rails and imagined jumping. I know it's not actually high enough to die and would make my life far worse so I won't. But it made me realize I low my life is right now.
Anonymous 120642
>>120641Do you want to vent about it, nona?
Anonymous 120655
I didn't get proposed to. We didn't have a wedding ceremony. No wedding rings even though I want them. No honey moon. And I got called selfish for wanting to dress up (in clothes we already own) and go out for our anniversary. I feel like shit.
Anonymous 120679
I wish I was less socially retarded. why can’t I function when people talk to me?