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Is anybody else kind of scared of autistic guys after some bad experiences Anonymous 120343

Not all of them, but a lot of them get really clingy/obsessive and creepy EVEN AFTER you use clear communication and tell them you're not interested/to knock some behaviors off, and some of their responses to "no" are to escalate their behavior, threaten you, or act in threatening ways that suggest they may have… plans to do something nefarious to you.

It makes me feel bad because a lot of autistic guys are nice. But I've had way too many creepy guys latch on to me, because I'm a girl who still will have conversations about gaming/anime with anybody who can relate, and I literally just know how to do makeup/am not super fat.

It doesn't help either that a lot of wackos are self diagnosing as autism these days when they get caught breaking the social contract and doing something extremely reprehensible or disgusting.

And now if you call out one of these people who you know has 0 symptoms of autism, except disregarding what is and isn't appropriate, because it DOES have other symptoms y'know… BOY are you in for a treat, enjoy getting mobbed.

It seems like it's becoming the ultimate excuse for sexual harassment/rapey comments/behavior, and if you reject their sentiment, you're le evil abelist wammen who is doing a disservice to humanity by not giving yourself to every mentally incompetent or evil man that wants you and isn't afraid to sexually harass you.

Anonymous 120344

bear with teddy be…

> call out one of these people
perhaps you've just worded it strangely but if you really do mean "call out" in the "public humiliation / shaming via truth nuke" sense, i would stop doing that. it is a fantastic way to irritate (possibly dangerous) people and basically never results in them changing their behaviour. if you really want them to seriously consider what you have to say, go to them privately. if you don't care enough to do that, weigh up what it is you're actually getting out of "calling people out". usually you're doing it for your own gratification, and that's no reason at all.

> men are getting creepy / obsessive / clingy

universal moid trait (endearing in small doses) and certainly comorbid with autism. it's not irrational, then, to be cautious upon finding out a man is autistic. that's just pattern recognition.

> you're le evil ableist wammen

as you've recognised this is just another shitty excuse for shitty behaviour. put it with the rest.

Anonymous 120407

Anonymous 120408

Dont date autistic men if they dont have good EQ, Social navigation and absolutely dont date guys that call themselves autistic in a trendy way. Also being autistic is not a pass for being a dick.

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