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bf has been taking photos of me Anonymous 120386

i don't get it.. i went thru his phone, the secure folder. all pics inside are indecent photos of me, some of them are my nudes (that i sent to him) but most of them are taken while i was sleeping or unaware. and like, i'm not mad or anything. in fact it's kinda hot and it's way better than him watching porn or whatever. but i don't get why he hasn't said something about it. i guess he thinks i would be mad? maybe i should but it's genuinely not a problem for me. am i fucked up for thinking like this?

Anonymous 120387

He trades them online.

Anonymous 120389

kek luckily i know for sure he doesnt

Anonymous 120391

are a retard and you will regret letting a man violate you like this

Anonymous 120403

he has other secrets

Anonymous 120405

The first poster is right and you're either incredibly naive or coping. If my bf did this I would assume he was getting 4channers to do tributes and I'd run for the hills.

Anonymous 120435

confront him about it. moids trade vulnerable pictures of women with eachother. he likely does trade them, or at least shows them off to other moids irl.

Anonymous 120555

my dad texted me a bunch of erotic pictures of his girlfriends sleeping feet and legs once. the next day he frantically called me and said it was "an inside joke between him and his girlfriend" and that he sent them by accident. so fucking gross, i'll never forget that.
you're retarded break up with it immediately

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