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is it possible to be truly happy single? Anonymous 120445

I have always wanted to be the kind of person who is independent (not just in a financial kind of way but in the sense of being able to meet my own needs and not crumbling under outside pressure) and who finds genuine fulfillment in her passions without needing some guy's stamp of approval to feel worthy, but it's so easy to fall into bitterness and self-pity. I wonder if all this time I've been deluding myself or if somehow through a more radical kind of mindset shift and more effort I could be happy despite the fact that the world is built for couples

Anonymous 120459

yes just have friends and family and be involved in the community. have lots of hobbies and interests

Anonymous 120461

in other words: get good at coping

Anonymous 120467

You need good social interaction unless you're schizoid or something, but then the anhedonia will get ya.

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