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Is being an adult really this shitty? Anonymous 120474

im 19, 20 in november and im really starting to wish i could be 17 forever. Things like making money are so hard, i have no amibtion for study anything or for a career because i spent my teens being emo with the whole "i wont survive long enough to do that" mindset. i genuinely cannot bring myself to care about anything other than stupid shit like being pretty but its so useless to my future. any advice on how to get my shit together?

Anonymous 120475

give it time, you're not even 20 yet. i'd advise you to listen to other girls when they say to just focus on yourself instead of moids. they will probably mess you up if you get involved with them now. think about how you want your life to go, where do you want to be in 5 years? when I was your age i watched a lot of female youtubers that did different things with their lives and this helped to give me some perspective. I think that's what you need right now - perspective. making money is hard but figure out what you want for future you and work towards that instead of spending it on stupid stuff like fashionable clothes or whatever.

Anonymous 120476

Leave the west and travel the world, your instincts are right there is no future in the west

Anonymous 120478

Please start watching ambitious women and work on your future. Don't sit idle and waste time you will thank yourself.

Anonymous 120480

you got time. Yeah it suck. Both me and my BF pushing 30 and basically starting from square 1 after the shitshow the last 3-4 years has been. Whatever you do, dont be idle. Even if you're neeting it up, always be pursuing something, learning a skill. You have time. I would say your first goal should be to just get a decent wagie job and work it hard for a few months and buy a car, doesnt have to fancy, just something thats runs and gets decent mileage. Be dependent on your parents to get around anywhere in your 20s is the fucking worst. After that you can quit and look into other things, I would check out your local Community college and see if any of the courses interest you, maybe look into career paths they branch off to.

Anonymous 120481

become a tech in the medical field, tons of options to choose from. Basically just learn a very specific thing they need done that pays well be a middle class wagie. Could also try being a travel nurse but thats intensive. Anesthesiology is whats makes the most money if you just want grind for a few years and buy some shitty condo somewhere in cash.

Anonymous 120482

>le travel to the east and find yourself

moids are moids no matter where you go, and travel = get gang raped and murdered by moids

Anonymous 120483

True, best to just sit and stew in your tiny cubicle that smells of regret and old age

Anonymous 120485

i'm twenty. i'm in one of the worst headspaces i've ever been in. it's almost all due to the internet. bad life experiences, we can move past. we can adapt, we can move to other things. the internet is such a trap, and a drug, because it lets you forget everything else. that postpones the healing, the hurting, the moving on, and it robs you of perspective. the last year has been filled with paranoia and stress and anxiety over petty internet squabbles that don't matter, relationships that have no future or real life weight.

limit how much you use this place. watch TV, read books, that's all fine, but the petty chit chat and the insane people online can eat you alive. fill your time with things you're curious about. write a bad song. learn neat things on youtube. i liked the series "trope talks" by overlysarcasticproductions on youtube.

Anonymous 120533

anon I feel like this was written by future me what the hell I'm 20 soon.this advice is so useful thank you. I spent the year exactly like that

Anonymous 120547

don't make the same mistakes i made. the internet is not consequence free. between when i started fucking around here and the end, i've been hurt, betrayed, stalked, and forced into other people's conflicts. it's damaged my ability to trust or desire to be close to people, to make friends. i was better off before all of this. if you're part of any online communities, bail. spend time on yourself, allow your boredome to drive you to do things in real life. be safe, carry pepper spray, don't get drunk around strangers, but do stuff. meet people. don't be hypnotized by the digital world. it's not worth it. i hope you can break the pattern.

Anonymous 120548

>>120474 some bits of advice that helped me out (they contradict each other a little bit):
1: be kind to your future self. clean up your dishes, take a shower now, send that email, finish that thing, do it now so that your future self won't have to worry about it. save your quarters so she can get something from the vending machine too <3
2: live more in the present and don't let yourself get too engrossed in "i need X to happen and then Y and Z so that I don't have to A" because it can very easily eat you up. if you get a few minutes to yourself and it's a nice day outside, stand in the fresh air and enjoy it. be happy that your lunch has the right amount of sauce on it. watch a bird pick at something on the ground and laugh when it drops it. little things can make a huge difference, good and bad.
3: try stuff and mix it up! I'm in university right now and there's dinner events for my major. i'm skipping class this thursday so i can go and meet others in my field and go with some classmates. a little spontaneity keeps you sharp and i think a break in routine sometimes is good for you.
hope these helped a little bit :)

Anonymous 120565

At least nona won't be dead

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