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Anonymous 120486

i truly cannot stand my body any longer, every guy i talk to likes my personality but whenever they actually see me irl they run tf away from me and im just so tired of being fat and not knowing how to properly take care of myself… do u guys have any advice on that? i truly dont know what to do with myself anymore and its killing me lmao

Anonymous 120487

1. Recognise what makes you eat junk
2. Eat more protein
3. Exercise, Dance, Walk …do whatever makes your body move
4. Sleep and wake up on time
5. Do meditation work and set a goal for your body to reach
6. Know that this will not only help your looks but also your health in long term
7. Good habbits stay for a life time
8. Journal your progress and don't get sad if you are not always proper
9. Only lose 2kg per month
10. Try to build muscle it will help prevent fractures in old age

Anonymous 120488

11. Use a calorie tracker that does both macro and micro ( My Fitness Pal )
12. Don't get obsessive over it
13. Understand the importance of eating whole foods
14. Learn to cook for yourself
15. Look into ginger turmeric shots, chia water, matcha, soups
16. Find friends irl that are into fitness

Anonymous 120489

How is that complicated, fat doesn't spontaneously manifests in our bodies, energy doesn't spontaneously manifests in our bodies. If you eat less and spend more energy, getting thinner becomes INEVITABLE.

Anonymous 120491

Lose weight.

Being a fat woman is less difficult than a man. I think it should be easy as long as you follow dieting advice. But in general, diet is really important and ofc it should be coupled with exercise. You'll need to have surgery money for the extra skin though :'(

Anonymous 120492

Losing weight slowly, taking in protein specially in the form of bone broth for that collagen production, dry brushing and moisturizing can help . This obviously depends on age and genes upto a point that is why building muscle can help fill in the loose skin while still making you look thin and toned.

Anonymous 120499


Anonymous 120503

yeah sure UHHMMM STARVE URSELF OR WORKOUT if u hate it so much

Anonymous 120507

Learn to cook. Stop eating out. In particular learn to make low calorie versions of your favorite food, most dishes you can cut almost half the calories out by not adding all the sugar/oils the fastfood places do.
Second, stop snacking, this is the hardest part for most people because most of learn to kill boredom/sadness with food, ei a bag of chips, snackcakes, soda cans, etc. Cut it out.
3rdly, get a hobby, fill your life with something so your not always looking for something to eat(TV doesnt count). I picked drawing which helped allot in keeping my mind occupied.
4th. Exercise, you dont have to do allot, just a little bit at a time. You can literally lose weight just by walking. get a gym membership and head straight to the treadmils, set the speed at 2 mph and just walk for as long as you can, the first week your gonna feel like shit, you probably wont even last 5 minutes depending on how outta shape you are. Just take a break and keep going, dont get depressed, use it as motivation to get your shit together. Each week try to set a new goal, last a little longer, maybe after a month you can try to go a little faster. You'd be surprised how quickly your stamina will build up if you just stay consistent.

Now to the nitty critty, start checking the nutrition facts and add up the calories of your meals. Ideally for steady fat burning you want to stay under 2000 cals per day. Yes, like with the exericse, the first week WILL SUCK ASS, but trust me, you stomach will adjust and youll learn to feel satiated with normal sized meals, specially high protien/low carb. This is where learning to cook will get very important. If your trully lazy, you can get a crockpot and just toss a bunch of meat and seasoned veggies in there every day. You can also try OMAD, which is where you basically just eat one meal a day. This is good for people who truly love food, instead struggling to portion out a bunch small meals they just wait until dinner to make a big fancy meal to consume all their calories in one sitting, it does take allot of discipline but its worth it. Also thats fun thing, most people hate veggies and generally healthy foods because theyve fucked their pallates with high sugar diets. After about a month of cutting out junk food your taste buds will basically do a hard reset and you'll learn to taste the natural sweetness of real food(and again, learn to season, a little lemonpepper and garlic powder goes a long way) Also learn to marinate, will make your meat taste like restuarant food and not like it just got cut off the animal.

Aside from that, its litterally all on you to take the first step. Its hard, but youll you feel so much better after you're steadily losing 10-15 lbs a month. Just imagine, if you start right now, by the end of this year you could down almost 60lbs or more, by next year you could start buying all the cute clothes you told yourself you'd never fit in, you'll be more adventurous because you'll have the natural energy to go try new things. Dont rob yourself of that future, because the other end of that is 2-3 years from now your still terminally online, feeling like shit because you become more of a shut in as all your healthy friends move on to other things.

Anonymous 120508

I always tell fatties that when they start their journy, they need to either start putting money away or build their credit. Saving money is usually pretty easy, as most of them usually have to quit fastfood and are always surprised how much extra cash they have each month when they cook 90% of their meals. Also, you dont need to buy unnesary bullshit to build your credit, you can get a small card and literally just buy your groceries with it and pay it off immediatly each week and youll have a decent score after a year. Its not that everyone NEEDS surgery after losing weight, but its nice to have the option after you worked really hard for 2+ years to get your dream body.

Anonymous 120513

I'm assuming you're really really fat because big girls can pull these days. I would suggest you do 2MAD and then OMAD.

Anonymous 120518

Love your mind

Anonymous 120520

don't change yourself and put yourself through turmoil for the sake of men

Anonymous 120521

Usually men are willing to date even fat women. You must weight over 200 pound.

Anonymous 120538

Not everyone lives in USA.

Anonymous 120540

don't jump on very restrictive diets or habits because you'll eventually back out and feel worse than when you started. Instead, integrate healthy habits gradually so that it doesn't feel like something forced upon your life. Depending on your health situation, it's always worthwhile to check for potential endocrine imbalances which might be hindering your potential for weight loss as well as affecting your energy. Good luck

Anonymous 120550

Intermittent fasting is sustainable once you pass the early hump.

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