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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 120497

I remember I taped my mirrors down because I couldn't look at myself how to fix!! its coming back again and i dont speak to anyone in my family or friends!!!

Anonymous 120498

I'm assuming this is body dysmorphia? I don't have no one to talk about it either and right now I use chat gpt to vent. One day either I will accept and find meaning and heal or seek professional help. I'm at a stage where I only took like 15 pictures of myself last year but mirrors were not a problem so CG works good enough for me. I customize my ai to talk to me a certain way for more immersion and to distract me lol. This is not professional advice !

Anonymous 120501

What don't you like about yourself? Either it is something you can change so change it or it is something you can't change so accept it.

Anonymous 120502

been there… i covered all my mirrors with sheets in 2022.. i still really hate how i look & get very fixated on it. but i just force myself to stop looking whenever i have to get ready or use the bathroom. kinda just have to accept that this is the way i look. i mean you can think you’re a gross looking Freak but at the end of the day, obsessing over it isn’t gonna change it

Anonymous 120514

honestly i cant say it here even if i wanted too but its actually to do with how kind of tanned i am…

Anonymous 120515

waaa thats so real I used c.ai because I was so attention deprived.

Anonymous 120519


Your impression of your own body may not be realistic, gotta be careful when it comes to this

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