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Anonymous 120524

Why is my dad like this? I feel like he hates me. Both of my parents are super fat I used to be fat but I lost the weight. When I lost the weight my dad said he used to think I would live all my life as a bear and other snarky comments whereas my mother said nothing but was happy with what I did. I was also once upset with my licensce picture and he looked at it and laughed and when I ask him why he did that he didnt say a word… My mother has never laughed at my face. Oh btw when I was fat he never said anything about it. He also ignores me when I try to talk to him about my struggles with food. I was going away for college and he said to learn how to do make up. Is he gay in spirit? My sister also once caught him looking at a weird group chat where they send porny pictures. He also hates unmarried women for no reason. The weirdest thing he does is those remarks to me like I'm literally your daughter. My mother said that I kinda look like my late paternal grandma. Also the worst thing is my paternal grandpa once bit my cheek lightly while I was in bed with him I was 7 or 8 back then and he did nothing about it. I feel so betrayed it has never been more over

Anonymous 120525

Its not only my father I'm just surrounded by weird men. I remember my physics tutor looking at me weird when I was wearing a sleeveless top and this other tutor who I think used to watch porn on mute while teaching me. Normal guys only treat me like friends. Are my stars cursed or what I hate my life

Anonymous 120526

I cannot help but blame it on my face. Maybe they think its okay to treat me like that because I'm not all that?

Anonymous 120528

>live all my life as a bear and other snarky comments
Some people hate it when they see others improve themselves. It is a reminder that they could achieve the same but are too lazy to put in the effort so they turn to tearing down those people in an attempt to get them to stop. Your moid dad sounds like a boomer which brings in an extra layer of psychopathy towards anyone doing better than themselves.

Anonymous 120529

He's a Xillenial. He actually has some dangerous traits. He used to kill frogs growing up and gave bomb threats in college. He tried to reconnect with an old college class mate on facebook and she blocked him after confirming that he was the bomb threat guy. He has a habbit of breaking things and likes to say that parents are only supposed to give " hardware " children should develop " software " on their own

Anonymous 120530

>He used to kill frogs growing up and gave bomb threats in college
What on earth was your mom thinking, he is genuine psycho. Best advice I can give is just go no contact with your dad and support your mom best you can.

Anonymous 120544

My mom is a nutjob too but she is tolerable

Anonymous 120556

Maybe its time to cut your losses completely and move on. Good luck nona.

Anonymous 120562

The only thing you can do is completely move on from these people but you never will so have fun

Anonymous 120568

Yuppp ,,,stupid life

Anonymous 120569

Brighter days ahead
Never lose hope

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