>>120557update, ive had the talk with him, exposing what ive found he has done and we have talked in length about it.
i do agree that it is emotionally cheating and that’s exactly what i told him. im not rlly gonna go into details about what we talked about, but he admitted that its just an addiction for him. he wants to change and do better not only for us, but for himself as no one has confronted him about this problem before. it was basically like a wakeup call for him. im not trying to make excuses for him, because im not going to believe it until i see it. i told him if i ever find it again, i will breakup with him.
before anyone tries to diminish my self worth, i know what im worth, but i also know people can make mistakes, especially when it comes to an addiction, as i have had in the past. i have access to all of his things, and im going to be keeping tabs periodically. this is just my thought process for the time being, it might change and i might hate his guts in a few weeks from now, who knows. just trying to make sense of this situation. i realized i dont want to leave, and i dont inherently feel bad towards myself about wanting to try to work it out. the worst that can happen is he can repeat his mistakes and i can truly see he cannot change. so might as well see if anything can come from this.