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is being subscribed to onlyfans cheating? Anonymous 120534

back in dec 24, i found some messages on my bfs phone from a sex worker on reddit that he sought out. the way the messages were made it seem like it wasnt the first time he had done something like this, so since then i had been suspicious that maybe this was a constant thing for him.
i then found through an apple payment that he paid someone for something on of, but i couldnt get into his account, until today.
i finally got in his account and saw he was subscribed to multiple workers and also was talking to them. ik obviously for them, thats literally their job, to talk to people, but the way some of the conversations went made me feel hurt.
i want to also add that, as long as it isnt an addiction, i dont care if he watches porn, i do too. my problem is the fact he is paying a lot of money for it and the conversations hes had with some of them talking about his interests, recommending them music, etc. stuff that feels personal.
i feel like its borderline cheating, but at the same time i dont know. i’ve never been in a situation like this and don’t really know how to feel nor what to do. it just also sucks because lately things between us have been stagnant and stressful, just from things happening to us separately, it isnt helping us be our full selfs atm, so adding this really makes everything feel even worse.
he told me he wants to be with me, and i want to work it out, but at what cost?

Anonymous 120535

Hes a loser

Anonymous 120536

Has a gf but is still looking for connections. Why are you putting yourself through this?

Anonymous 120537

I don't understand why anyone would want to spend money just to drool at prostitutes. Even more so if one already has a gf.

Anonymous 120539

Dump him ASAP.

Anonymous 120552

Dump him for using Reddit.

Anonymous 120553

are you fucking kidding me. this is disgusting. he is a PIG. and YES, it is cheating. it's a grey area on the problem of if porn is cheating, but this isn't simple porn usage. he hand-picked these girls and is paying them. that is cheating sexually. not only that, he is also cheating emotionally by talking to them about his interests. that is emotional cheating because he is attracted to them. being attracted to another woman and acting on that attraction by talking to them and/or masturbating to them is CHEATING. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT work it out. you deserve better. he is a fucking scumbag and I can't believe you're still with him. I am not exaggerating- this genuinely disgusts me, and if you have a modicum of self-respect, it should disgust you too. previous nona is right- next time don't date a fucking redditor.

Anonymous 120557

>porn addict
Please describe him for us. I am dying to know what this moidfailure looks like and what attracted you to him. I beg of you nona.

Anonymous 120558

He's 6'5

Anonymous 120559

shoo moid

Anonymous 120560

>subscribes to onlyfans
>has private chats with literal prostitutes
Leave. Him. Now. It's not definitive cheating, but it's so close as to bear no distinction.

Anonymous 120561

My boyfriend is basically in a paid e-relationship with whores, is this cheating ladies?

Anonymous 120563

>subscribed to OF
Not only is it cheating he's also a moron because all that shit is free on coomer.su

Anonymous 120566

update, ive had the talk with him, exposing what ive found he has done and we have talked in length about it.
i do agree that it is emotionally cheating and that’s exactly what i told him. im not rlly gonna go into details about what we talked about, but he admitted that its just an addiction for him. he wants to change and do better not only for us, but for himself as no one has confronted him about this problem before. it was basically like a wakeup call for him. im not trying to make excuses for him, because im not going to believe it until i see it. i told him if i ever find it again, i will breakup with him.

before anyone tries to diminish my self worth, i know what im worth, but i also know people can make mistakes, especially when it comes to an addiction, as i have had in the past. i have access to all of his things, and im going to be keeping tabs periodically. this is just my thought process for the time being, it might change and i might hate his guts in a few weeks from now, who knows. just trying to make sense of this situation. i realized i dont want to leave, and i dont inherently feel bad towards myself about wanting to try to work it out. the worst that can happen is he can repeat his mistakes and i can truly see he cannot change. so might as well see if anything can come from this.

Anonymous 120567

Goodluck to both of you

Anonymous 120580

If you were actually sorry he just wouldn't have done this in the first place.
The only thing he's sorry about is that he got caught.

Anonymous 120582

Good on you for seemingly working through your issues. I hope it works out for you both. Being compassionate and having self-worth can be compatible.

Anonymous 120585

it’s even worse than cheating cos he’s spending money for YOUR presents and treats on another woman. if he has disposable income why the fuck isn’t he spending it on you?

Anonymous 120587

If he has disposable income he should be
>paying down debt
>saving for a house deposit

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