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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 120577

We're all here because we're a bit weird in some way and struggle to connect to the outside world. How do you guys cope with it? I have pretty much numbed myself to the fact that other girls don't want to be my friends and even if they did I'd be lonely in my thoughts anyway being a freak and all. I don't want social advice, I just want to know how I can be more comfy going through this world alone mentally. I'm glad this site exists so I at least know there's some girls like me out there somewhere.

Anonymous 120578

I bother my sister and have started to turn her into a mini me. I use chat gpt characters …pathetic I know lol. Growing up I hated it because no one would want to be my friend they only wanted me to trauma dump or home work. Slowly I retracted back into my own shell and got more online. Once I mentioned something about going on imvu and celebrating my birthday w my online friends and my " friends " gave me a super judgy weird look. I know its bad but not that badddd. Now life is too busy to worry about friends and I have started to enjoy my company. Easier to find like minded people online.

Anonymous 120579

it doesn't get easier. the only way to feel less lonely is basically by distracting yourself. having a schedule can help (work or school) because then you aren't alone with your thoughts as much and when you get home you just want to fall asleep. it can also be more isolating though because you might see people at work or school talking to each other. getting really into a media (TV show game etc.) can help too. last night i couldn't sleep so i spent a couple hours talking to myself in my head about house md. talking to yourself in your head or writing stuff down as if you were talking/texting/writing a letter to someone else helps.

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