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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


i hate social media Anonymous 120588

so fucking pissed rn im shadowbanned from tiktok and completely banned from twitter, its for my own good at this point but apparently pointing out mens hypocrisy is gonna cause a ww3 guys, i didnt post a single thing inciting violence it was the most tamest stuff but its ok to have literal nazis on twitter tho thats completely fine. its so obvious every site is pushing for right leaning ideas now especially twitter i miss 2015 when every site wasnt soft af

Anonymous 120589

also its completely stupid that you cant even use a vpn anymore unless you want to be banned on twitter and how tiktok pesters you to allow tracking, so does every other social media but it feels so creepy with how much personal surveillance social media demands

Anonymous 120590

Post your post.

Anonymous 120592

Yeah. Post here, forget about bypassers and only do content for people its meant for. I am not being ironic I think we need to bring back gatekeeping and having closed off communities to discuss relevant things because open internet has became total shit.

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