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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 120597

Just fuck my shit up. Are we like this?

Anonymous 120621


Anonymous 120622


Alright. Let's say for argument that it's not okay to be so heckin' mean when rejecting the heckin' manlets. And that it's even praiseworthy when someone rises above the socialization or whatever other forces are at play that make manlets undesirable partners.

That doesn't make it okay for everyone uninvolved to get all holier than thou about the manlet situation or to act like they don't understand the basic reality of the manlet problem.

This is a photograph of millennial-era internet celebrity VoidBurger (6'2", iirc) with her boyfriend and fellow now-forgotten e-celebrity Chip. Not her barely teenaged son. Not her little sister wearing a fake drag king beard. Not her younger afab transitioning cousin. This is a biological male that she was and to this day still is, physically intimate with.

Void has some extremely unfortunate facial features, especially for a biological woman from that era waybackwhen people thought transition surgery was way more effective than it really is. And Chip also looks like he Elliot Paged shortly before this photo was taken too. But even if you ignore that, I want you to look at this photo and tell me with your whole chest and from the bottom of your heart that you see nothing wrong with this, that you and you alone and you especially are free from prejudice.

Anonymous 120623

He looks like an average guy. If he was taller than her you would have no issue with this, even with the same build and face. Height is a caveman era trait to focus on, and you will miss out if you do.

Anonymous 120624

Imagine throwing a tantrum over 2 nobodies dating. Take your meds.

Anonymous 120625

But he isn't taller than her.
So she hunches.
And that's not enough.
So she rolls her shoulder down and scrunches.
And that's not enough.
So she lowers herself and tries to disguise it by bearing all of her weight on one side of one knee, centered so that her leg height is disguised.
And that's not enough.
Her spine overcurved, her neck bearing her head lower than a hunchback gamer, her body a wrack of small but noticeable sacrifices for his sake.

And does he notice?
"Nah I'm cool," his spine says as he hunches. "It's really great to be able to be myself around someone and not have to worry about trying to puff myself up for anyone.," declares his slack chest as he lowers into his casual gaming posture. "I am a graphic Star Trek t-shirt," joins his shirt. No sign of an understanding or interest in meeting even half of her effort, no attempt to stand upright and at least own a masculine bearing, this is not a warrior who won the heart of a Valkyrie, this is a boy who sips choccy milk from a carton and straw.

Anonymous 120626

Weirdos like you are the reason she hunches.

Anonymous 120627

The least a man can be is tall, because the most he will ever be is himself.

Anonymous 120631

Who gives a fuck

Anonymous 120632

Wonder if she lifts him up sometimes and throws him around for the fun of it

Anonymous 120634

This reads like a moid who's only proud of his height.

Anonymous 120665

Probably a moid who is insecure about his height and wants to bait women into demeaning him for it.

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