This is what i look like? Am i pretty girly pops? Am i girl boss? Anonymous 120636
finance bros
there either no personality or super interesting adn genuinely smart
usually eye candy but im not that vain. There sexy loro piana coats turn me on.
im trying to dumb myself down to be more happy, i tried being all observant and smart and judigng people and i felt dissociative every night thats why i dont like visiting these websites like kiwi farms etc
i dont think its possible to keep your wittiness and be happy., honestly 1 dont know anyhting
also anyone else pet peeve when your trying to reasd a good 4chan thread and some edgelord posts gore and it stains your memory and you see it at night for months after in intrusive thoughts
Anonymous 120638

>im trying to dumb myself down
You're doing a good job. This post is borderline incoherent.
It sounds like you need to learn to be mindful of your goals when you interact with people. Are you trying to build a relationship? Then don't be "observant and smart and judigng". Instead, use your wits to ask thoughtful questions. If you are speaking to a "finance bro", maybe ask about his investments, or something else relevant. It will make him feel validated. Don't pretend to be stupid. You'll only set yourself up for exploitation by underselling yourself.
Anonymous 120640
>>120638This gif annoys me. It would actually loop so well if they removed the walking part.
Anonymous 120643
I hate that type of posts because they make me feel like I'm having a stroke and I freak out for a second.