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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 120648

I have so many intrusive thoughts and I can't get rid of them. I don't have money for a therapist and I don't have any friends to support me. And my boyfriend is tired of hearing me say I've made a mistake again. I just don't know what to do

Anonymous 120649

What kind of intrusive thoughts do you have Nona?

Anonymous 120660

Usually about suicide or something bad happening to me or my mom. My father died and I blame myself because it was really my fault. Sometimes it's sexual thoughts that make me feel like shit, like primitive animal that's incapable of anything. I tried to counteract this by working harder. I thought that being tired and busy with other things would help me forget about it, but it didn't

Anonymous 120664

It's generic advice and idk how much it'll help but the best way to deal with intrusive thoughts is to accept that they're there and that they're nothing but some thoughts in your brain, and forgive yourself for having them. The less you fight against them the less of a big deal they will become. It's easier said than done but I used to have bad intrusive thoughts and that's what helped me get past them.

Anonymous 120678

Write down your intrusive thoughts and rank them from most likely to happen and least likely to happen. It reduces the amount of thoughts you’ll have and how severe they are. Are there any government programs that can help you get therapy?? Wellbutrin has really helped me. I still get some that will squeeze through. Fuck your bf. I had a bf just like that and it is not worth it. Someone making you feel shitty about having intrusive thoughts makes them worsw

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