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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 120650

>have bf for 2 months
>cute and romantic, caring, sweet, never pressured me to do anything
>lots of eye contact
>we had sex for the first time last night
>don't really want to, but follow his lead because it's what he wants
>it's over
>he didn't look into my eyes the whole time
>no cuddles or holding me
>cold and emotionally distanced immediately after sex
>things weren't the same after that
>doesn't really be caring or romantic the way he used to
>we don't talk or text as much as before
>ask if he is feeling okay, if anything is going on in his life, if i can help in any way (even if it's more sex)
>get nothing back

Why are men like this?

Anonymous 120656


Moids are whores. Trust none of them.

Anonymous 120662

You sexed too early, classic mistake. Men willing to wait are out there. Anyone who doesn't respect your boundaries is not worth it.

Anonymous 120672

marriage is a horrible word, imagine having to see one certain moid every single day until the very end, that’s so depressing

Anonymous 120677

>imagine having to see your loved one every single day until the very end
Sounds great

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