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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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I am a lizard person Anonymous 120651

I am a lizard person, I am a shapeshifter, and there are many lizard persons out there. We aren’t all the cliche’s many people like to believe where we want to rule the world.. A lot of us suffer with narcissism, and Identity theft / Issues because of this. I sometimes feel alone, and I’ve had altercations when I have shifted on camera, and even I feel really anxious to look back on them because I look foul. I feel sad because every other traumatic event rhag happens to me I shift into a new identity, and face. I do this because I am scared to remain the same identity. I am yet to be apart of the hidden community, but I am not a threat. I’m just a girl

Anonymous 120652

Mhmm, and how does that make you feel?

Anonymous 120654

I feel alone sometimes, misunderstood and misrepresented. If you have questions feel okay to ask

Anonymous 120661

I once dreamt of meeting a lizard person, she hypnotised me and used her long tongue to probe my brain through my ear and I passed out

Anonymous 120670


Hi, fellow lizard. What kind of lizard you are by the way?

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