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Have you ever wanted to kill someone? Anonymous 120653

Why and what did you feel?

Anonymous 120663

no because that’s not a normal thing to feel. i do know one woman who wants to kill a girl for coming out as being abused by her ex boyfriend though. so those are the kind of evil people i imagine struggle with those thoughts at all. it’s always like an incel wanting to kill a girl who won’t date him or a girl wanting to kill a girl that gets in the way and/or she is jealous of. it’s never righteous and the good person is always the intended victim.

Anonymous 120666


I wanted someone to die, not necessarily kill. I wasn't particularly angry or anything even and it was mostly intrusive and thinking about it scratched my brain. I don't know how to exactly express what I feel and killing seemed so logical in a manner that everything will be over if the issue is gone. I tried thinking of ways on how to kill someone, but in the end I let go of it because my feelings never last and I just die as a person. Maybe because it's easier and more realistic for me to think "the issue must be eradicated at all costs" rather than try to seek help because I never get help on how to sort out the issue or solutions.

Anonymous 120667

My mum. She has mental problems and refuses to get help for it.

Anonymous 120674

everyday tbh

Anonymous 120675

I used to have a lot of hate for some people but looking back, maybe thanks to the hate I felt it made me change myself for the better

Anonymous 120676

I thought about letting my mom die when she tried to commit suicide but i didn’t wanna end up homeless. So I called the ambulance. I want my ex bf new girlfriend to get in an accident. No these thought don’t make me feel bad or like I’m a bad person

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