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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Maybe you'll find this letter Anonymous 120659

Hi, I haven't lurked here in ages. But I miss you and maybe you'll randomly read this without knowing this was for you. I don't want to directly bother you so I'm doing this on crystal cafe instead. We're all alive and doing as usual. S finished her degree, I'm still stuck doing my crap diploma at 21 and I'm way behind my batch, supposed to do my internship next month but my credits are worth less than 3 semesters. M's mental state, fluctuates like it always does but I heard her dad is gonna enroll her into a practical college nearby her home in the near future.

My parents are still crap people, I ended my 7 year friendship with that girl on November last year. Not sure if you recall her. Eh, her opinions were shit anyway. All talk but no spine, much less bite.

Actually I think I'm doing pretty bad. It wont get better. Not anytime soon. Still seeing the psychiatrists but at a different hospital this time. Too soon to say if it's worse or better than the one I've been going to for the past 5 years.

A recent revelation I had while journaling was that I probably have C-PTSD from how crap the world treated me and the fact that my autism was diagnosed way too late to avoid the abuse from the people I was surrounded by. So at least it's not Borderline Personality or plain Avoidant Personality. Not entirely a deviancy in my part. Just mistreatment from others my entire life.

Hope you're doing fine and you're healthy, where ever you are and whatever you're doing. If you want, my email is open for you, always. Hope you still have it written somewhere you can access.

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