depressed black gi…

I fucking hate my life 95857
I haaaaaaaaaaaate being a woman of color. So. Fucking. Much.
And before you wonder why, let me make it clear that it has little to do with actually being a woman and of color. I'm not a fucking tranny, I appreciate my womanhood. And I don't see white as being any more special than the skin color I have.
But the reason why I hate my existence has everything to do with the male counterparts I'm forced to acknowledge by association. There is nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, I hate more than men of color. Out of all the men on Earth, they are the most openly volatile, most vocally aggressive, most physically aggressive. Anytime you see the face of a toxic red-pilling manosphere vlogger, they're 100% of the time bound to be a man of color. They breed hood culture from a young age, which instills the idea into men of color that they have to be totally incompetent soon to be convicts that drop racial epithets all the time as a form of comraderie and wear shapeless tacky clothing that denotes to the classless cultureless heathens that they are. They have a proclivity to openly woman bash and see women as their personal cum barrels, which is why many of these mouth breathers will open their lips and say the most vilely abhorrent things about women to anyone within earshot and what they'd want to do to a woman in bed. The highest amount of sex traffickers, drug pushers, domestic abusers, gang bangers are all: men of color.
At least in White and Asian culture, they seem to raise their men with a sense of dignity and pride. They instill honor by their name and what's the first thing they teach young boys in their culture to do? To honor their culture by honoring their women. They'll defend women and look out for their own kind. Even in message boards like 4chan, when I write something where I address my race, white men will jump on me like blood thirsty dogs and call me all sorts of things like shitskin and goblina. That's one last thing I'd like to add. Being a woman of color, my existence can't be left alone without people feeling compelled to mention white women as if I mandatorily must 100% of the time be dredged into a negative comparison in favor of white women. I would like to live my life in peace without having to be referred to as a "shit skin" or "ugly monkey" because a white man feels he has no other way of complimenting his pedestalized Aryan queen. Just please leave me the fuck alone already. My life can be perfectly fine without having to be cruelly reminded everyday by white men and colored men on 4chan that I'm leagues below white women in Western society. Just let me have a peaceful fucking life, please.
Anonymous 95860
>>95857All that and I understand exactly where you're coming from. Seriously, you just put all of my thoughts about those men into words. IME, I learned to just stop giving a shit about literally any moid. White, black, latino, asian, young old, rich, poor. you name it. I've seen so many of them act the same despite coming in different skins, I just gave up on ever playing favorites. You wanna be friends?
Anonymous 95862
>>95857I know what you're talking about, but I've never had to suffer it. I'm mixed, but inherited lighter skin/hair/eyes, so people just assume I'm tanned or something like Italian. I get to hear all the vile shit white people will spew with impunity if they think they're in white company, knowing that if they're insistent and belligerent enough, no one is going to counter them. Similarly, I'm independent from my family so I'm not forced to live in their culture, but get to hear all the horrific fantasies and deepest, darkest beliefs of men from the colored side of my family because they have no need for a filter for the exact same reason; no one is going to stop them.
>>95861>Ever see any white and asian women being demanding and whining about shit in your country?Yes, every single day.
Anonymous 95870
>>95857There’s more out there, I promise :)
You’re not a shitskin or goblina, you’re a beautiful woman. What people say on 4chan of all places does not matter.
Anonymous 95886
>>95857You shouldn't listen anything that comes from 4chan of all places. People there are willing to be as insincerely mean as they possibly can, you can be good-looking and the cave dwellers will still try their hadest to look for reasons to hate you. They're mostly miserable people that are always looking for the worst in others.
I've seen the prettiest-looking cosplayers being posted and bashed there for the most petty of reasons.
Anonymous 95899
>>95857Its refreshing to hear these thoughts coming from another source. I grapple with these feelings of inferiority as well because men of every creed continue to put white women on a pedestal and cruelly insist on reminding dark skinned women of their second class status. It wears me down to witness it first hand or listen to it time and again from various men, but when I finally reach a breaking point and speak my truth, people will virtue signal and tell me I'm not being charitable, or its all in my head. That the world isn't so black and white. But it is!
Preaching about things to comfort yourself with lies doesn't change the reality POC women have to deal with. I'm so fucking resentful of how strong I need to be at all times, that I don't have the ability to be coddled and looked after the same way white women are treated. It hurts so much to want to be considered precious and fragile and treated delicately for once in my fucking life. But no… men don't have it in them to humanize people they don't want to stick their dicks in. I am acutely aware that I will always be other-ised and never quite valued the same. At one point I was emotionally beaten down so much that I was in a fragile state; so desperate for acceptance that I allowed myself to be disrespected daily by my 'friends' because I thought 'This is natural. This is what I deserve, because this is how everyone treats me.' It was only after I finally found someone who does value me and who does treat me with respect, did I finally learn to start respecting myself. I learned how by observing his self respect. We are only friends because he isn't attracted to me, and I'm used to men politely turning me down. I'm content to learn what real friendship is and build myself up from the shattered position I was once in; and never allowing myself back into that position again where miserable men can mistreat me because they know I wouldn't defend myself.
I'm not embarrassed by my journey because I wouldn't be able to see so clearly now, if I didn't experience those tribulations. I realize now that I was self harming by putting myself in that situation, I was so used to being mistreated that I expected to be. It was unreal to believe I ever thought those people were considered friends at one point.
Anonymous 95903
do you really fucking think 4 chan people are living in reality?
4chan gremlins use epithets like this to make themselves feel better about themselves after living terrible lives of self loathing and worthlessness. it's all a cope "well i might be a fucking loser haha at least im not black/brown".
Especially when they see women of color who are beautiful it increases their self-loathing because they know there are people who in their eyes are below them (#1 women, and #2 of color) who look beautiful and lead normal and active social lives.
If women of color were really ugly goblins, then white moids wouldn't feel such an extreme urge to fetishize and rape women of color in every single country or territory that they colonized. Even today white moids travel to brown and black coutnries in south america, africa, and southeast asia for sex tourism in record numbers. For moids, violent sex/rape is a tool of power to degrade women whose beauty they are jealous of, especially women that they believe should be beneath themselves but in their mind are unfairly more attractive than them. Likewise Moids of color have the same feelings towards white women, unsurprisingly nowadays and in the past 10 years all sorts of sexual degradation and mockery of white women is being made now too.
Sorry for the extreme example but people's sexual tendencies do not lie. Furthermore people's appearances between countries tend to be more a product of lifestyle and habits. White Americans and British (men and women) for example are not really known for being a good looking people while scandinavians and brazilians despite being on opposite ends of the racial spectrum, are known for being good looking.
Anonymous 95908
>>95857Girl who cares about what 4chan losers have to say about anything
Anonymous 95925
i agree, men of color take out their bullshit on women of color. they hurt us like we're not even
people. they devoid us of our humanity double the times that white men devoid white women of theirs. they are faggots that take out their failure and lack of world power or significance on those who are weaker and more vulnerable than them. especially african and middl eastern folk
Anonymous 95934
>>95925Don't forget to add Latino men to that list
Anonymous 95949
>>95857Lmao Moids live in perpetual jealousy because they see girls as living life on "easy mode." They talk shit because they think their lives would be easier if they were women. If you really want to get under their skin, you'd just encourage the thought like I do. "Yes I love getting paid a ridiculous amount of money as a diversity hire to just answer emails while tradie moids have to break their backs! I love being a black woman :) " It's not true of course but that's not the point.
Anonymous 95951
>>95949Omg, this. More women need to start bullying men back and to load up on comebacks.
Anonymous 95960
>>95934I'm sorry black nona and to all nonas who have to deal with shit from their own race. I relate to women more than men of my race tbh. Latino Males are promiscuous and gross. Ideally, I want to find a good man from my race because I love my culture and want to have a big family but lol. Not worth it if he's just going to cheat on you, hit you, or try to "control" you. Worst fucking culture when it comes to "machismo" and being a man…
Anonymous 95976
>>95951It's funny. If you watch the "Mannosphere" videos or see any long rant about "HR roasties" or complaints on videos of girls who do "day in the life" stuff, it's all coming from seething men, whining about how their day is hardly work. And the funniest part is that many of the males who produce this content, making fun of those girls, do the exact same job of "social media managing." Male "influencers" have an entire career which consists of blogging, preaching, bitching, whining about society. What a fucking joke.
Anonymous 95978

>>95976LOL if a man ever tried to make me feel bad for being "privileged" and "living life better" I am absolutely going to spin it and rub it in his face. "Yeah, men are 110% disposable just like you said. Society knows that I and other women are inherently more important than men, so deal with it".
Anonymous 95980
>>95978Then they’ll turn around and admit how the system is built for them and that yes misogyny exists. Going around in circles with these selfish faggots, we will never know what they want.
Anonymous 95987
>>95857if it makes you feel better anon I don't think you can win as a woman at all. Moids will just as quickly throw white women under the bus when they're done with them. Moids will make out like every race of women is "masculine" or "ugly" and it's a 100% cope for moids being ugly and knowing that being a moid is inferior.
Anonymous 96207

>>95857I've noticed that men of color have a weird obsession with wanting to pose as us online. I've seen one black moid clearly posing as a Latina avatar on youtube entering under divestor videos and saying how much they enjoyed being sexed by black moids and other nonsense LOL when it was clearly just a black moid catfishing as a Latina woman to try and annoy black women. I wish men of color weren't so pathetic.
Anonymous 96217
>>96207I don't think this is exclusive to black moids, a significant amount of all moids larp as women online. Men are just obsessed with being women and get off to it.
Anonymous 96268
>>96217I see so many white moids larp as asian women.
Anonymous 96275
What I hate about this is that I can never tell this to any spaces online where there's other black women, because having this opinion already got me accused of being a "divestor" or a "white man's whore" on a few occasions. Nonwhite men, especially black guys, seemed to have succeeded at convincing everyone that they're immune to criticism and that you're a KKK member if you vent the flaws of your racial community.
Anonymous 96277
>>96268Oh my gosh speaking of that, does anyone by any chance remember that racist spam Youtube Channel "Claire Liu" that was created a while ago? They got into a lot of beef with r/hapa and they were revealed as some white moid that was going around making raceplay blogs titled "ihateasianmen" and they even got some Asian gay male porn actor named Ling Anderson to join in. They were talking in a moderated voice and trying to make themselves sound like an Asian woman in their Youtube videos. You can even still find a raceplay erotica novel he wrote titled under Claire Liu on Amazon.
Anonymous 96284
>>95857>They'll defend women and look out for their own kind.>my existence can't be left alone without people feeling compelled to mention white women as if I mandatorily must 100% of the time be dredged into a negative comparison in favor of white women.although it seems like they pedestalize white women, more often it's that they like the idea of whiteness itself… they actually just hate women. when presented with the opportunity to marry and procreate with a ww to further muh white race, they will squander it and declare themselves "MGTOW" or "Men Going Their Own Way".
they in fact, hate ww so much that they celebrate it when a ww is killed in a domestic dispute with a bm and say 'toll paid' it's disgusting
it seems out of all the women who exist they hate ww the most, because they are the ones who appear to have swirled the most
a common concept in the 'manosphere' is artificial wombs, for men who want to raise children but don't want to deal with women. I myself think it's just so they can molest the kid without any interference :/ moids are trash
Anonymous 96304

>>96207I find it hilarious when black scrotes cry about how "ugly, stupid, fat, and worthless" black women are, while glorifying and practically worshipping nonblack and mixed/biracial women. If black scrotes stepped outside of their narcissistic bubble and took a look at how couples operate 90% of the time, nobody outside of black women actually wants black males because most people date and marry inside their race. Just like how black scrotes shit all over black women, literally 90% of the rest of the world shits on black males in the same way. Then when nonblack or mixed women casually date a man that's not black, the black scrotes start seething and crying about how those women are "racist" for not fucking them. Black moids are so fucking pathetic, I have zero guilt for when I rejected their advances.
Anonymous 96332
>>96304I've seen this often too anon, especially in spaces like black Twitter and Youtube. Black moids and a lot of other men of color have these highly inflated egos and warped perceptions of themselves where they believe they're highly pedestalized in the world and that they have a better chance at getting with women outside of their race as opposed to in their own races. When 95% of white women would rather date inside their own race. These men are just clowns through and through
Anonymous 96338
>>96332Yeah actually the vast majority of every race dates within their own race. The only exceptions that i've heard to this are are East Asian women living in the United States.
Anonymous 96339
White incels who have an announced preference for black women are the most worrying of all tbh.
Seems like they only pretend to like asian women because that's been heavily socially promoted by sexpat degenerates, often as a longterm consequence of American soldiers stationed abroad getting away with rape for decades. And an announced preference for human trafficked Slavic drug addict prostitute "wives" or latinas is a clear result of pornography driven behavior.
But the (extremely small) sections that talk about black women are worryingly authentic, expressing an endogenous personal interest in finding someone to emotionally abuse, physically harm, and psychologically prey upon without the threat of law enforcement intervening on her behalf.
Anonymous 96340
>>95857white and asian men are no different. they cheat on you or become troons. white women aren't the exception to that, they just use them as breeders.
Anonymous 96341
>>95857Boys without fathers were never taught how to respect women.
Anonymous 96343

>>96339Witnessed the behaviors of enough white guys, and I can confirm. A white guy with a racial fetish isn't a man that's looking for a woman to be his "love". Any guy with a racial fetish is always a scrote that's looking for a guinea pig/punching bag.
Anonymous 96407
>>95857If you're re-reading your own thread rn, you can go on the b board and contact me with the friend finder. I'm the "water" user. I find you quite relatable, but if you're not interested in being friends, that's fine too.
Anonymous 96679
>>I'm not a fucking tranny, I appreciate my womanhood.
Thank god!
I wouldn't take anything 4chan moids have to say with value. Many white men might share these beliefs, I wouldn't know, but they know better than to say any of this in real life. And you shouldn't keep your mind occupied with what people are "really thinking" because at the end of the day, people's thoughts don't matter or hold any value in the real world. This is why cancel culture has no impact and doesn't translate to real life. Internet points are just that.
As for moc, they're a lost cause and are the reason I date white men or moc who weren't raised in the west. These are the ones with the biggest inferiority complexes. I've noticed that AA have more of an inferiority complex than Africans. I think this is a part why. But I also only see a purpose to dating moids for companionship, to have kids and social elevation.
Moc hop on 4chan to down themselves for lacking "aryan" features. They're the weakest link.
Anonymous 96705
Is anyone surprised by having a sibling who is dating their own ethnicity?
The environment I grew up in encouraged self hate.
Anonymous 96714
>>96705My siblings are celibate in their 30s with no history of dating lol, to say my home destroyed them is an understatement.
Anonymous 96716
>>96714>celibate in their 30s with no history of dating lolHahaha me too (except virgin not celibate)
What was your childhood like?
Anonymous 96724
>>96705My siblings have told me they consider me a race traitor. Not that exact term, but similar ones, and will then spend all day, every day, complaining about their awful, awful husbands who treat them like shit because they chose them on racial grounds, despite those men barely see their wives as human.
Anonymous 96726

i'm sorry but when most of you act like this bitch being thirsty for white men and picking imaginary fights with white women (seriously check this loser's twitter, it's mostly seething about white women/fantasizing about white men and biracial kids) then I automatically assume you're hsotile and mostly stay away from you.
Anonymous 96730
>>96726What a weird strawman to make. I've never heard Asians being stereotyped as nannies in the US.
Anonymous 96731
>>96726what's wrong with being thirsty for white men? everyone likes what they like lol
Anonymous 96732

>>96726White males are responsible for approximately 60% of all sexual assaults against indigenous women, and 30% of sexual assaults against Korean women despite being 1% of the Korean population. Believe me, I am not interested. What IS interesting is you assuming that most of us want those pathetic males when statistically, almost everyone dates inside their race. MOST asian women are NOT interested in white males, even with all the rates at which they marry them.
Anonymous 96733
>>96731it's wrong when you project your inferiority complex on white women and constantly bitch about us because of your insecurities. worship Brad all you want, but it's not our fault if you have a kink for racist moids.
Anonymous 96734
>>96732you should share those statistics with the pickmes like the one in pic related. i'm talking about the ones who live in western countries anyway.
Anonymous 96735
>>96734I live in a western country, and
most of us still don't fucking want them anyway lol
Anonymous 96737

>>96726Holy cope she's literally blonde in her video. I guess she forgot hair color isn't a race. lmao Also way to passive-aggressively shame her mother just because of marrying someone she loves that happens to be white. "Emotional damage". What a spoiled, entitled shit. Living in NYC, eating at bodegas, and having rich relatives - she doesn't realize how good she has it and now needs to act like she has real problems.
You should stay away from them. I've known people like this and they are every bit as insufferable as they seem. One of them was someone who I thought was cool and finally called out SJW bullshit, but still ended up constantly tweeting about how much she hates white people. Racially insecure Asian women are every bit as racist as racially insecure black women. They will just hide it better.
Anonymous 96739
>>96733who are you talking about, i'm not even asian lol. you seem like the insecure one ngl
Anonymous 96740
>>96735Good for you, please wrangle your more retarded sisters
Anonymous 96741
>>95857I dont think white men are raised in pride and dignity. Bullshit dont put everyone in one bag ffs. Like ppl of color ? Who? Bullshit generality
Anonymous 96749
>>96739About people like the clear example I posted. If your panties are in a bunch, then the shoe fits.
Anonymous 96751
>>96737Why is she being so dramatic? I get mistaken for being my dad's wife sometimes and we're of the same background. He's half-bald and definitely looks older than me, too. It's embarrassing but not exactly emotionally damaging.
>>96732>MOST asian women are NOT interested in white males, even with all the rates at which they marry them.The internet really made me believe they are, to be honest. But when I stopped being a NEET, I noticed even in my country with an insignificant Asian population, Asians usually date and are married to each other, from the immigrants to the ones born and raised here. Especially the Vietnamese because there are tons of them here.
Anonymous 96752

>>96740>please wrangle your more retarded sisters I don't know who you are, but you have some serious issues that you need to work out. All those random asian women, black, or mixed pickme women you're able to screenshot and post are not my "sisters", my "friends", or anything like that. You swung into this thread on the assumption that we were simps for white men, and for what? Because we're not white and venting about nonwhite men, you assume we're just like the pickme in the screenshot? Holy shit, since when did criticizing our men become synonymous with trying to fuck white ones? I know this is apparently difficult for your mind to grasp, but I'm going to reiterate this very clearly: not all nonwhite women are the same, and not all of us are desperate and thirsty to white males. The assumption that we are is the same logic of those white incels who step foot in an Asian country, and assume that he's gonna get his dick sucked just because he's white. Lastly, you act like nonwhite women are the only women who ever date outside their race and act like they're better for it. Gee, how about all those white women who shamelessly fetishize asian or black males, and raise their biracial children to look down on asian or black
women? Yeah. If I were you, I would just stop this bullshit and move on already. This is an argument that doesn't even have to occur.
Anonymous 96753
>>96752>you assume we're just like the pickme in the screenshotNo, I said I've seen enough of them to stay away from you IRL and avoid any annoyances that may come from it. It's right there in my first post.
>How about all those white women who shamelessly fetishize asian or black males, and raise their biracial children to look down on asian or black womenYeah, they're the same type of cringe. But they don't get any head pats for it and are rightfully mocked, while any seethy scorned non-white woman can go on unprovoked hate rants against white women and get asspats (or make bank making a whole online career out of it).
Anonymous 96755
>>96753Not the same anon, but why did you post that screencap in this specific thread in the first place? It was all about non-white women ranting about men in their own communities until you came in and suddenly started making assumptions about the previous anons and talking about a tweet that has nothing to do with OP's thread.
Anonymous 96768
>>95857I am suspicious of this post. Did moid hands write this, I wonder.
Anonymous 96800
>>96755Because I felt like it. Feel free to ignore it if it doesn't ring any bells for you.
Anonymous 96805
Screenshot 2023-03…

>>96726>>96733>>96737>>96741>>96749>>96753>>96755>>96768>>96800Aaaaaaand here come the white trad-thots to troll and shit up this thread that was innocuously made to allow minority women to simply vent.
And then women wonder why female solidarity will never exist?
I just used the example of white men and Asian men because believe it or not these are the races of men who intersectionally have the lowest rates of domestic violence and crimes against women, and they're men who marry out of their races the least.
When I used them as a subject of comparison to colored men, I used them from an observational standpoint, not because it was emotionally swayed by racial fetishization.
No matter how much WOC try to vent about their received maltreatment in society, white women always have to go out of their way to make strawmans and twist words because they perceive their egos as being damaged. And if a WOC wants to bite back and tell you guys to fuck off, then you go running, convert into becoming a trad-thot and start retweeting and coddling your virulently racist white men further and revel in the fact that darker skinned women are marginalized in society. Even here you guys are spewing word-for-word rhetoric that Chuds on /pol/ commonly use."Stick in your own race!" "Insecure colored women bashing pooooor white women."
How about WOC can be allowed to LIVE for once without receiving backlash from white women or any man?
>>96737There are no racially "insecure" black women, just you being a self-righteous asshole. You engage in about the same amount of subversive tactics as /pol/ men, you guys are truly no better than white men yourselves.
I never once intended my thread to be a thread to pedestalize white men in any way. I merely started this thread from the get go as a way to vent about the treatment of colored men to colored women. I even went out of my way to clearly separate ourselves from white women, saying that when men of all races drag us on 4chan, they can just talk about you and leave us the fuck out of it? You can stick with your Chuds and they can pedestalize you, but don't feel compelled to insult WOC in the process.
Anonymous Moderator
This thread has derailed too heavily into race and stereotypes so I'm locking it. Please check the sticky thread at the top of every board to see what kind of topics are not allowed.