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Jeff_DOn't Laugh.j…

Mean teachers Anonymous 96162

Has a teacher ever said anything to you that's stuck with you? Have you ever been bullied by a teacher? Have you ever held an emotional/trauma bond with a teacher?

Anonymous 96164

I hate my middle school because 2 of my teachers used to bully me so bad. They made my childhood terrible. I will never forget when my biology teacher almost force me to remove a sweatshirts even tho i had only on tiny top that reveal kind of… everything under. Even with explaining that he kept pressuring me. I had so many bad memories from middle school. I hope they all die

Anonymous 96179

he sounds like a pedophile or was at least getting off on some weird powertrip. Since when can't kids wear sweatshirts? That is all anyone at my schools ever wore.

Anonymous 96188


I was never bullied by a teacher, but I could tell my computers teacher in high school didn't like me. Somehow I got lower grades than my friends despite it feeling like everyone was goofing off the same amount. But maybe I really was goofing off more.

Anonymous 96190

i was bullied really badly by a teacher in grade school, so much so my family threatened to take the school to court because the teacher was pulling me aside for “counseling” without informing anyone. she was nuts. i knew she didn’t like me because everything i did she always had something nasty to say about it. i also had a really bad english professor in college who was racist and failed me because i wouldn’t kiss her ass. she was miserable too as i never bothered her, she was for some reason fixated on my race and couldn’t move past it.

Anonymous 96191

is that cat photoshopped in?

Anonymous 96192

Had 2 male teachers flirt and hit on 9 year old girls in class (including me)
One of them hit me on the head once and it hurt for weeks
A female teacher once yelled at me at an assembly in front of everyone because I wore a black colored bra underneath my white uniform shirt. She asked if I was trying to seduce boys in school (I turned out to be lesbian and had zero interest in males)
I hope all of these bitches get tortured to death.

Anonymous 96194

my teacher got on the local news for punching a student and for telling women they were asking to be raped if they dressed like that

Anonymous 96195

Idk why but I grew to really like a teacher I had in highschool to the point where I would have imaginary conversations in my head with him all the time despite not having more than a superficial connection irl. It felt really unhealthy at the time how I idealized him, eventually I realized this and quit even looking at him when I saw him around. He also seemed to pity me a lot because I evidently had no friends and mental illness, so he would bizarrely ask me how I was. I also really didn't like this and is what made me decide to cut him off, in a way we weren't really talking anyhow.
My VP used to always bitch and complain at me about wearing a black bra under light colored shirts. It would peak through and she would constantly obsess over it and tell my teachers to moniter what I was wearing. The thing is, at the time I did not HAVE another bra, and I do not see the issue if a little black fabric shows through your shirt. Fabric is fabric, your shirt is made of the same stuff and everything is covered regardless. Maybe I sound like a narcissist but I really think female teachers who get as assblasted as they do about what female students are wearing, are jealous of youth or something and just being pickmes. I was 13/14.

Anonymous 96260



I had two different teachers in middle school that made me break down crying. One of them was with a really mean teacher that everyone hated anyway. I tried to ask her if I could get out of a class presentation one day and she took me outside class to keep asking me why I didn't want to do it, over and over again. I couldn't give a proper reply, so she proceeded to ask me what I'm going to do about in the real world. It felt like a whole interrogation. That was an extremely Scroogelike woman who should never have been teaching around children.

However, the other was with a teacher that everyone loved (including me, up to that point) and that had won a Best Teacher award. This teacher not only made me cry on one occasion, but several different times, and never cared. Proceeded to completely ignore me while crying, every time. It was one of the eye-defining moments about how most people don't care for others. And that includes adults about children that aren't their own, even if it is their job to. Being in education, and this goes from my experience with everyone in it from counselor to nurse to school policeman, is just acting like you care. They will ask you "concerning" questions but that is nothing more than to protect the school's image and their job.

Strap in because this next one is going to be really long and really crazy. Going off the last point about "concerning questions", I also had a professor a few years ago whose "concern" practically devolved into harrassment. I think she was some kind of neurotic nutjob that must have thought I was going to shoot up the school or something. It all started when I had missed every Monday of her class, for two weeks straight. She pulled me aside one day to ask me why I had been missing class.

Apparently, I had forgotten it was a Monday-Wednesday-Friday class (Because the semester started on a Tuesday and when I screenshot my schedule for the week it showed that there was no classes on Monday. I had been going off of that, not realizing.) I explained why to her but it did not help. She began to think I was someone that was being starved or beaten up at home, and not allowed to go to class because of that or something, for some fucking reason. This woman did not know a single thing about me, and I never gave a single indication about something like not being allowed to come to class happening to me, so the fact she was jumping to such wild conclusions about me was baffling.

One day she wanted to talk with me in her office and I went there, not thinking too much of it, until she brought in a woman from the FUCKING POLICE DEPARTMENT. The woman from the police department proceeded to ask me intrusive questions if I eat enough (Because I'm so skinny), with who and where I live, and remarked she noticed my good grades (They were believing someone was not allowing me to go to class probably, lmao.)

This brought back very unpleasant memories from how a counselor in middle school brought me into her office to "talk" with me because of her concern about finding a metal piece of a pencil sharpener next to an ID I lost (That was crazy too and I can go on about that in its own right) and then suddenly brought a police officer in the room to keep questioning me. I was freaking the fuck out, considering I was underage, but even with this professor and cop, as an adult, I was still freaking out. Even though it threw even more suspicion on me, I started crying to the professor and cop just because of how nervous I got. This thing started as a whole giant misunderstanding that kept getting worse.

A few weeks after, this professor pressured me into visiting a Counselor's office by literally walking with me all the way across school to it and even sitting next to me to make sure I actually make the appointment. She was becoming more and more nosy and I didn't know how to get the hell away from her. I was telling my friend about it and she thought it was fucking nuts, too. This woman was making me uncomfortable and stressed out as hell. With how scared she'd reveal herself to look, I came to a realization that she must have been some kind of neurotic that was just scared about herself (Hence, why bringing in a fucking cop on me, I reckon. It was the same reason that counselor called one on me, too.) The pandemic started soon after, so I was finally able to avoid her more. Although she started wanting to set up seperate Zoom calls with me, had the police department lady e-mail me, and kept e-mailing me herself. Ugh. I finally grew some balls to tell her nicely to fuck off in e-mail and she never contacted me a single time, ever again. That was a fucking rollercoaster and goes to show that most people in education are extremely unprofessional when it comes to matters like this. They should literally be fired.

Anonymous 96262

That is so bizarre and sounds too insane to be genuine concern

Anonymous 96265


It definitely wasn't. There was another occassion where she wanted to make sure I wasn't sick, so she pressured me into going to the nurse's office by once again walking with me all the way to the other side of school there and not wanting to leave until I had made my appointment. I told the nurse to make it for the next day so I could go home and cancel it and so that professor could get off my back. She was asking me how the appointment went afterwards and I told her it went fine, so that this crazy hypochondriac bitch can leave me alone.

> and remarked she noticed my good grades (They were believing someone was not allowing me to go to class probably, lmao.)

Also want to add on to this that the woman from the police department brought up my bad grades that I had from two years ago that made me fail a bunch of classes and get put on probation, telling me "I noticed you had some academic difficulties". They were even looking up my academic records. I felt like I was being investigated like some pedo rapist now. I wouldn't have been surprised if the nutjob professor sent in a SWAT team to "help" me at that point. Jesus christ. No wonder people who are in actual serious situations don't want to reach out for help.

>This brought back very unpleasant memories from how a counselor in middle school brought me into her office to "talk" with me because of her concern about finding a metal piece of a pencil sharpener next to an ID I lost

Also want to bring up in this case that I had gotten walked by administrator to the nurse's office (Same way the professor walked me, except when it was with the professor, it was even more humiliating since I was already an adult by that time.). Right before taking me into her office and proceeding to smile and ask me like an old lady at a church fundraiser "So how are you?" , the nurse hissed in the most ugly, vile way at one of her co-workers to go away. Really says all you need to know about these people and the actual attitude towards mental health.

90% of teachers and staff at schools do not care about your well-being. They act nice only because they're schizo paranoid that you don't hurt them and/or they can keep up their image and the school's. They're like the bitch teacher I had that no one liked, except replace the constant scowl with a constant smile, constantly rude tone with a sickly sweet voice (Always asking "How are you?", "Are you alright?", etc. etc.), and that everyone loves instead of everyone hating. But they're still narcissists. Just covert ones.

Anonymous 96270

Why are some teachers so evil

Anonymous 96278


>in kindergarten, teacher left me in the computer room to cry by myself because I got a bad paper cut and she didn't wanna deal with it
>2nd grade, teacher always screamed at me in Chinese for resting my head because my shitty home life didn't let me get enough sleep
>3rd grade, asked my teacher if she could imagine me as a musical superstar, and she said I would lose any competition and be sad
>5th grade, politely asked teacher when lunch period was on my first day of school, and she told me to be quiet, and wait.
>drew on the back of assignment papers during free time, she walked up and made comments to me about how that hobby was "useless"
>sophomore year of high school, physics teacher is the definition of an asshole. He laughed right at me when I was super anxious and stuttering during my presentation free fall, ignored me and other students when we raised our hands for help, and he would cherry-pick my poorer grades to point out the incorrect answers on a projector for the class.
>french teacher called me lazy when she caught me using google translate for a word I didn't understand, even though we would catch her doing the same sometimes
>Calculus teacher who had a hobby of getting into mini "roast sessions" with his students thought it would be funny to walk up to a badly done homework assignment and loudly announce how many questions I got wrong. He also once threw a pen at my face when he heard me asking another kid for a pencil to borrow
Parents and teachers will still shit on their kids for hating school though..

Anonymous 96280

Oh, and an honorable mention:
>AP Chem teacher laughs in my face after I just wanted some help on understanding a problem. "Oh, you're STILL having trouble? Hahahahahahahaha bless your heart!"
Fucking bitch.

Anonymous 96282

In middle school I was lonely and troubled and this was late 00s-early 10s, so I had (anonymous) social media accounts like twitter and tumblr where I had online friends and would post my feelings including how I felt anxious and wished I would die in my sleep. I was dumb and during the computer time in class I would access my accounts on the school laptops because I wanted to talk with online friends in different timezones. This is how teachers found my accounts and later I discovered they were regularly reading and gossiping about what I as a 12-13 year old girl was writing. None of them ever talked to me about my mental health struggle or spoke to me about social media usage. As an adult it's weird to look back on what they were doing.

Anonymous 96287

"Good iron is never made into nails. Good men never become soldiers."

Anonymous 96288

what the fuck

Anonymous 96300


Yeah… I don't know. lmao There was something wrong with that lady. She was very friendly in talking with me…for someone who she literally calls the school police department on.

I played along with her for too long, but to be fair that's because I was worried she would retaliate if I didn't, like by failing me in her class.

She's known to be a "nice" and "caring" professor but I didn't find this "nice" or "caring" at all. I found it insultingly presumptuous and fucking creepy.

Anonymous 96301

>English teacher who was British and thought if a work had to be translated to English that it wasn't a real book and said I was stupid for reading them
>Culinary teacher who made me (the only girl in that class notably) prep all the food while everyone else got to serve themselves
>Some bozo teacher from a different grade telling me I'd never graduate from high school because I'm "a dumb girl"
>Computer teacher who kept making me do typing practice for the entire year instead of other projects like everyone else (again only girl in that class)

Theres more but they border on illegal or TMI
People who seek a position of power over those who are younger tend to be fucked in the head

Anonymous 96495


I've mostly been bullied by maths teachers, but not any type of maths teachers ! bald, old and overweight male teachers.

For whatever reason, they love to shame and humiliate students who are not good at maths.

Anonymous 96523

"If you think your looks and personality will be enough to get by without every academic advantage possible, you are sorely mistaken." He was my math teacher throughout primary and high school and was a demanding, ruthless dictator. He'd make us stand up in pairs and do quick-fire times tables battles, which evolved into improv calculation competitions, and would occasionally make sure to pit the smartest against the dumbest. He was always so disappointed in me because I bought into the family line that I'd marry rich at 16 and wouldn't have to worry about school, which I interpreted as a personal hatred of me. When I came back home from my first year at uni studying STEM, he gave me a firm handshake and told me he was relieved I'd proved his fears wrong and later recommended me to an old colleague who gave me work placement in an incredibly prestigious lab for my final year.

Anonymous 96529

Once a teacher called me "retard" in a very harsh tone because he thought I was intentionally spoiling a joke (I accidentally answered a question without realising it was rhetorical and there was a punch line coming). I don't even care that he called me "retard" because he wasn't insulting my intelligence, it was the sheer hatred and disdain in the way he said it that stuck with me. He didn't do anything of the sort again and said to me "In 5 years you'll be earning more than me" at graduation.

I still didn't like him because he was touchy with the really tall, really skinny girls (supposedly he was helping them "stretch" to alleviate back pain). His wife happened to be really tall and really skinny. Go figure.

Reminds me of a kid in my class who got a D+ on a maths test, asked another teacher to look over it, and got it bumped up to a B-.

It has to be, there is no way you could train such a hungry predator to have that much restraint around so many eggplants

Lolwut? Nona that's bizarre. I wonder what must've happened to make her react like that to you missing a few lessons.

Quick-fire times tables are about the only way you can make times tables remotely fun; pitting the smart against the dumb is inevitable when you're trying to make the match-ups seem random. What he said was harsh, it's unfortunate that it stuck with you and will probably never leave. On a more positive note, what he said has affected your life trajectory for the better (seemingly). He probably saw your potential from a young age and didn't want it wasted. It's sweet in a f'd-up sort of way.

Anonymous 96535


>Lolwut? Nona that's bizarre. I wonder what must've happened to make her react like that to you missing a few lessons.

I think she had mentioned her and her daughter being on foodstamps before, so maybe that was a reason why she freaked out over the possibility of one of her students having food insecurity. Still no excuse to be so creepily intrusive and "buddy-buddy" with me though. I looked at her past RMP reviews and they're mostly positive, like about how supportive and friendly she is, but I saw some students have complained about her nosiness and rudeness as well so it seems it was not just me. She needs to mind her own business and remember she is dealing with adults.

Anonymous 96820

In high school I had to do a book presentation and the teacher straight up told me 'You're not good at it, you'll probably never be good at it but without the presentation you would have a good grade'. I don't really care now but when I read this this came up, I was so insecure about even just talking to people face to face for about a year.

Anonymous 96826

I'm filing him under "pedophile".

Anonymous 97587


I was (am) an awkward, socially stunted wreck. Would refuse to go to class or turn in work that would tell literally anything about me. For some reason this flung some teachers into an almost violent rage. My favorite wtf moment:
>Why didn't you turn in your homework
>I-I was in the hospital with my family yesterday, my sister had her baby
>So why didn't you do your homework

Happened in 7th grade, lady was fucking insane

Anonymous 97592

I've been sent out in the hall by a lot of teachers for various reasons, but most the time it was because they would want me to answer a question in class and I would just say nothing. so they made me go out in the hall way where I continued to say nothing.

Anonymous 97595

If only you could have taken that lesson home

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