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Pessimism Thread Anonymous 97821

I wanted to create a thread for everyone who follows or is interested in pessimistic philosophy/thinking. You can rant, share book recs, talk about various viewpoints etc. I find it's rare for women to discuss things like this, like all philosophies it's mostly dominated by men, so it's refreshing to come across them. Let's vent about how fundamentally shit existence is ladies

Here's a really good pessimistic blog made by a Ukrainian woman, lots of posts

Anonymous 97826

See my thread "femininity is domesticating yourself like a dog"

Because I dun wanna repeat how I truly feel… it's too much to write, but im reslly stuck in these thought loops and not sure how else to feel. It's pretty blackpilled.

Anonymous 97828

Checked out the blog. It reads like pseudointellectual depression diaries. The author ignores all the good things and piles on despair wherever she can get away with it. Unironically needs some good antidepressants.

Anonymous 97829

Another pessimist nona, how nice. When I read Thomas Ligotti's The Conspiracy Against the Human Race I felt like someone finally understood me and started to study the works of authors he quotes in his book.

Anonymous 98078

I respectfully disagree. I don’t think she ignores the idea that there are good things in this world, it’s just that the bad is so much bigger in size and brings more pain. It doesn’t mean good things don’t happen, it just can’t compete with the magnitude of suffering unfortunately.

Yeah that’s a great book. I found the chapter of the illusion of human egos fascinating. I’m currently reading The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker, he talks about the subject in a similar way.

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