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Weirdest things you did because of social anxiety Anonymous 98109

>Stay locked into a bathroom stall doing nothing for hours until the party ended

Anonymous 98112

giggle , giggle and giggle

Anonymous 98123

Accidentally giggling when you aren't supposed to and then looking insensitive is the worst.

Anonymous 98144

You are not alone, I've done similar stuff.

Anonymous 98145

Walking all the way from one side of my college to the other so that I can not eat in public but in my dorm instead. In 85°F heat, with food like bowls of ramen. Probably walked over a mile, considering its size.

Anonymous 98537

This was stress induced moreso than just anxiety, I had overheard a crotchety old coworker shittalk me about my high-pitched voice and mocked me to another really rude obese Karen customer.

>went to the stockroom of the shoe department

>weaved through the shelves of shoes
>crawled myself into an empty shelf on the bottom
>held my knees to my chest and fucking bawled for a little bit
I knew that it was a weird thing to do but I didn't care, I hurt that bad.

After that happened I desperately sought to leave the shoe department and I got moved to kids thankfully. Closing the kids' department was much easier.

Anonymous 98538

I don't even remember how long I stayed that way, it was probably 12-20 minutes.

Anonymous 98612

>Worked for 36 hours straight over a weekend getting 100% of my project contributions done for a month long project including notes and answers to any questions they might ask in HS because I was put in a group of girls that didn't like me and I was dreading having project sessions with them
>Wouldn't come out of my room for 2 days because my sister screamed in my face and I was scared of confronting her (used a bottle and a craft paper funnel if you're wondering)
>Started work 2 hours early for the first 2 years of my job because I was obsessed with never looking stupid or uninformed.
>Threw up into my handbag when a police officer stopped me because I thought I was speeding. They just wanted to let me know my trunk wasn't latched properly.
>Threw up on a teenage boy in a McDonalds (that might have been partly fear)
>Threw up on my boss when she chewed me out for my till being 2 dollars short when I was part-timing.
>Threw up and fainted when I deleted a data table for my dissertation, even though I knew I had several backups
>Burst into tears right after my first kiss
>Burst into tears, threw up and fainted when my first boyfriend broke up with me.
>Borrowed a book from my local library, missed the return deadline by 1 day and never went back after mailing the book back
>Burst into tears in an arcade when I lost at mario kart, had to fight the urge to throw up. there was a small group of kids watching.
I have many more. but these are the ones that immediately spring to mind.

Anonymous 98645

I ate my lunches in a bathroom stall for the whole three years I had a job. Delayed my lunch break by two hours so no one would notice I didn't go to the cafeteria. Had to battle for the stall with a cleaning lady with digestion issues.

I hate this. I remember giggling nervously when someone vomited blood (at least it seemed like it at the time) on a school camping trip. She told me "not funny" and I was still too awkward to apologize or explain myself. Too awkward to leave the tent with the other kids who'd rushed out to seek help. Too awkward to stay inside and tend to her. I just froze.

And the occasional case of being followed and cornered by a drunk scrote and having him comment "you're cute because you're happy and having so much fun :)" like holy shit fuck off, I'm so nervous my hands are shaking, I hate you and I want you erased from existence

Anonymous 98649

Uhhhhh pretty selfish tbh I have ibs and need to poop NOW!! >:(

Anonymous 98669

NONA kek there were other stalls i heard people come and go, i was just hiding in one of them.

Wow what a bitch, considering your situation it makes sense for you to react like this.

Anonymous 98670

i was mad cos i wa…

my ac was broken over the summer and it was upwards of 90 degrees INSIDE my apartment. and when maintenance came by to check it out i hid in my closet with the door shut and lights off… just sweating my ASS off.

in general i mess up on my words a lot, randomly jolt/twitch, walk weird due to overthinking how i'm being perceived, and i think my coworkers think something is wrong with me..

i haven't shopped in a store in ages bc of my social anxiety and i get everything curbside pickup. not so weird tho…

Anonymous 98767


>Stay locked in my room not eating until the day ended.

>Recording people talking outside.
i haven’t done anything with the recordings but i feel comfort that if they start talking about me and i miss it i can prove they were talking about me
i don’t plan to do anything with the recordings and i’ll probably delete it at some point
it’s my room so i don’t think it’s illegal or anything

i started doing it when i heard my name a few times outside my room, but i couldn’t hear it well.
and just the laughing i hear is like forks on my ears

Anonymous 98773

My sis used to do that too, she ended up in a mental ward

Anonymous 98854

>and just the laughing i hear is like forks on my ears
Wow, it's the same for me too, triggers my fight or fly response depending on the situation because i was made fun of before.

Anonymous 98859

>ate outside in the cold of winter in high school to avoid eating alone in a crowded cafeteria (school didn’t let us eat in hallways and the library and eating in the bathroom is gross)
>didn’t drink water and held in my piss for the whole school day so I wouldn’t have to interact with other girls in the washroom
>keep head down and low and stare at phone to avoid talking to people at work — will probably get bad posture and neck pain and headaches, but I’d rather not look at people in the eye

Anonymous 98860

Oh, and a classic
> eat at 11 am or 2 pm to avoid coworkers at work

Anonymous 98861

I'm lucky where I work everyone takes their lunch in separate rooms lol. I hate having to make smalltalk during breaks, it doesn't feel like a break at all.

Anonymous 98863

Ugh you are lucky
I have to go to the lunchroom because I’m not allowed to bring food to my desk. I work with rare books and they’re paranoid I’ll spill tomato sauce and spaghetti everywhere

Anonymous 98949

At least it sounds like you have a cool job!

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