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Self harm addiction general Anonymous 98173

A place to talk about and vent this particular issue.

I suppose questions to get started (don't feel obligated to answer any of this though, venting is fine too):
>How long have you been self harming?
>What made you start?
>What types of self harm?
>are you trying to quit?
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
>why do you self harm?
>how does this effect your daily life?
>any other places you go for support?
>Treatment for old scars/damage?

Anonymous 98182

>How long have you been self harming?
5 years
>What made you start?
sexual assault
>What types of self harm?
cutting and banging my head
>are you trying to quit?
sorta? i don't do it as often as i used to at least
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
i hug my plushies i guess, it calms me down as pathetic as it might sound for a grown ass woman to do this
>why do you self harm?
instant relief and a sense of calm
>how does this affect your daily life?
only when other people know about it, hence why i keep it secret and harm myself in places it won't be seen (i cut my thighs most). It's an issue if i go swim, but then I can get one piece swimsuits that hide the upper thighs
>any other places you go for support?
i don't go anywhere, i have told people if they tell me they harm themselves too first though
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
i've literally never treated any injury i gave myself and because of that i have some nasty scars, and especially a particular one that got infected for a year because i was too stubborn to go to the hospital for treatment

Anonymous 98184

has anyone else been clean from self harm for a long time but continue to think about it often? I still get really bad intrusive thoughts about it almost daily

Anonymous 98185

I'm the nona at >>98182 and idk if i can help. I did mention i don't do it as often as i used to. Last time I did it would be 5 months now. I feel like I kinda do it 2 or 3 times a year now, very occasional. It's not quite as if i'm in an addictive cycle but I also constantly get urges almost every night (because i have bad nocturnal anxiety for some weird reason, some of it even feels random). I'll say again what I do, and i honestly don't know if it'll even help you but I just hug plushies. It's stupid but they make me feel less alone and make me feel understood.

Anonymous 98362


>How long have you been self harming?
Since I was 12 so 8 years now
>What made you start?
Parent's abuse and divorce
>What types of self harm?
Cutting mostly, tried burning and scratching cuts
>are you trying to quit?
Mostly. I relapse sometimes I here and there
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
None at all, except getting out of that abusive toxic environment
>why do you self harm?
Because I genuinely hate myself. And because it gave me a sense of control. I thought I was so cool for keeping this a secret from everyone and managing to put on a cheerful attitude despite fucking hating my life and attempting suicide multiple times in highschool
>how does this effect your daily life?
Not much. I do it very quickly usually, during bathroom breaks. I rarely ever wallow in the act.
>any other places you go for support?
Absolutely none at all
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
I tried some kind of medication I have anemia and generally sensitive skin so my scars, or even mosquito bites leave scars for so very long. I kinda have up on treating them anyway

Anonymous 98395

>How long have you been self harming?
I started like 13 years ago but I stopped around 5 or 6 years ago. Beeing doing it again this year
>What made you start?
Not being able to get perfect grades. Everyone told me how smart I was all the time and I got frustrated when I couldn't keep perfect grades, I felt so stupid
>What types of self harm?
Mostly punching myself in the head but sometimes I used to cut myself
>are you trying to quit?
I'm trying once again. I thought I already beat this but seems like emotional stress and loneliness has been getting the best of me.
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
I used to call my best friend to talk about random stuff. She didn't know I wanted to talk to get my mind off self harm, but it worked most of the time. Now we're not talking anymore so I guess that's not helping
>why do you self harm?
I guess I'm way too hard on myself. Even a little mistake can lead me to feel like I need to be punished
>how does this effect your daily life?
It has affected my friendships, relationships and how I treat my family. I kinda lost all my friends because I become too distant when I want to do it.
>any other places you go for support?
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
Since I mostly punched myself, I don't have many visible scars. The few I have I can just pretend that were accidents

Anonymous 98421

i have never cut but everytime i read /see references to it I'm like entranced by the look of the scars. i feel bad that I basically like the aesthetic of it but ill never admit it and hope I never actually cut. my thoughts go out to all of you who suffer with the impulse

Anonymous 98444


>How long have you been self harming?
4 years cutting & burning
>What made you start?
i’ve self harmed in less "traditional" ways since early childhood but I remember I just picked up the knife one day and did it
>What types of self harm?
hitting myself, cutting, burning, putting cigarettes out on myself, scratching & if drugs are considered then that too
>are you trying to quit?
almost 1 year clean
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
trying to keep myself busy so I don’t have time to form thoughts
>why do you self harm?
the feeling of being empty and drained afterwards, all the rage I felt (still do) at everything was unbearable
>how does this effect your daily life?
always wear long sleeves unless i’m around friends or people who’ve already seen ‘em, and that’s about it since I’m clean atm
>any other places you go for support?
nah, i’m an avoider, I prefer not to think
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
got a few shots for my scars to flatten a while back. can’t wait to get it over with and tattoo both my arms but i’m stalling cause and I don’t want to get some retarded shit like a wolf in a forest with a clock and a rose or something, I’m very picky.

same here, I know I can’t deal with big fresh scars on my body again, so that’s out of the question, but punching myself is really enticing sometimes. I just relish in the odd times I slice myself by accident when cutting cardboard or veggies.
thank you, best of luck

Anonymous 98445

>How long have you been self harming?

Firs time was at age 12, have been cutting on and off for 3 years

>What made you start?

Loneliness, guilt and wanting to be seen

>What types of self harm?

Mostly cutting, tho i have burned myself a few times

>are you trying to quit?

I've been clean for half a year, but i do think about self harming almost weekly

>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?

I usually hug my pillow and imagine i'm either comforting someone else who's thinking about self harming or that someone is comforting me.

>why do you self harm?

Because i feel worthless and unlovable. I feel like i'd have to transform into someone completely different in order to even be seen as a person worthy of affection.

>how does this effect your daily life? When ever i get into a conflict i spend the rest of the day laying in bed dreaming about self harm

>any other places you go for support?

>Treatment for old scars/damage?
Don't know any

Anonymous 98446

To clarify, i used to self harm by pushin needles through my skin at 12 and started cutting at 20 I AM NOT 15

Anonymous 98451


interesting this pops up right as i decide to get clean… thank you for this thread. i’ve been needing to talk about it but online communities either are filled with 14 year olds or post their bloody wounds.

>How long have you been self harming?

for at least two years maybe three. honestly not sure, i don’t keep track.

>What made you start?

my first time i did it when i was drunk and bored, i started putting peoples cigarettes out on my arm at a party, but i don’t count that. the first time i did it to cope was after an argument with my best friend, then my dad (my only supportive adult in my life) got unusually enraged at me for being upset and drove me home mid-drive on a trip to get me glasses. i just spiraled and put out cigarettes on my arm.

>What types of self harm?

i prefer burning. cutting i’ve tried but the pain wasn’t as satisfying. plus i’m squeamish seeing my insides. i heat up a piece of metal (the head of a nail, usually) and use that.

>are you trying to quit?

yep. i didn’t care until a few months ago when my gf saw them for the first time. she was so disturbed and made me go talk to a psych about it (who realized i had no interest in getting clean and thus just shrugged at me). im trying to get better for her because after i relapsed two months after that she was… odd. vent incoming but i was trying to seek support because i was incredibly stressed and upset (and using sh to get positive and caring attention, though i didn’t realize that at the time). she said, “do your teachers not give you enough work?” and basically laughed at me. she then went on to talk about how it’s a first world problem, how people in the middle ages never did this, and how it’s easier to not do something than to do it (“so just stop.”). it was incredibly disturbing to me, especially since i was so desperately craving an i love you or some sort of kindness.
she did apologize later, of her own volition, and said she was just shocked. when i forced her to talk about it with me a few days later she again betrayed her disgust: she hated the marks and was disturbed i didn’t just stop when she took my lighters the first time. i know she cares but god it hurt. i ended up sobbing in her arms and explaining things i had never been able to admit to myself, and she apologized and promised to be more empathetic. i do believe she cares she just doesn’t get it, but it’s disturbing knowing she used to (and probably still does) view me as weak/self harm as a “me” problem and something she doesn’t want to know about.

>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?

haha. ha. nothing is the same.

>why do you self harm?

i couldn’t answer this for a long time until i admitted it was… for attention. Don’t laugh! im embarrassed about it, painfully so. i was neglected emotionally (and somewhat physically) as a child. i had no relatives or adults living in my city except my unstable, mentally ill, alcoholic mother, who’s love was mostly nonexistent except for random bursts. i believe she loved me but it’s hard to see that when you don’t get dinner, when she calls you names and tells you you’re stupid and a burden, when she leaves you at school for hours because she’s too lazy to pick you up, the list is endless. it doesn’t seem bad on paper but when it happens every single day ages 6-14, and you have no one else, it leaves a mark. i’ll try not to sad post too much, but basically it left me with a hole inside me. i cant quite explain or understand it but in terms of self harm, it led me to subconsciously crave attention, specifically attention in the form of care and panic. i want someone to care about me and i think the only way to get that is making them worry for me.
additionally, i do it when i’m bored or when i am sad/angry. it’s calming and i love it.

>how does this effect your daily life?

gf has told me she hates the marks i have and everytime she sees them she is reminded im mentally ill. cant wear short-shorts. sometimes i get worried they’re infected.

>any other places you go for support?

nope. no one should (or wants) to help me with my burden.

>Treatment for old scars/damage?

i wish i knew how to get rid of the scars.

Anonymous 98452

You know what i never understood people who sh until i got to a really shitty place mentally and started cutting. But even then my cuts were childlike and non committal (it hurt, which i get was the point).
I do remember once wrapping the curtain around my neck and squeezing it like a pulp. I think i blacked out for a fraction of a second there and had blue and purplish bruises right fucking there. Anyways, sometimes i fantasize about chocking myself in the same manner.

Anonymous 98685

>’ll try not to sad post too much, but basically it left me with a hole inside me. i cant quite explain or understand it but in terms of self harm, it led me to subconsciously crave attention, specifically attention in the form of care and panic.

do people actually end up caring for or about you when they see youve cut yourselves? I always thought the general perception people have towards cutters is ridicule and resentment.

Anonymous 98687

>How long have you been self harming?
7+ years

>What made you start?

changes in my life that i wasn't able to control. i was lonely which ended up in me getting very depressed. i was having a difficult time adapting with the changes in my life and i coped with self harm.

>What types of self harm?

cutting, bruising, starving.

>are you trying to quit?

yeah, i made a promise to my parents that i would stop self harming. my mom said she would allow me to get a tattoo on my 19th birthday if i was to be clean, so im really trying to not fuck this up. even after the tattoo, im going to try to stay clean. i hate looking at my scars.

>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?

healthy coping mechanisms such as journaling or listening to music helps me stay away from self harm.

>why do you self harm?

because i hate myself.

>how does this effect your daily life?

i wouldnt say this effects me daily but i dont like wearing shirts that show my arms or shoulders as it makes me uncomfortable. im really embarrassed of my scars.

>any other places you go for support?


>Treatment for old scars/damage?

slap a band-aid and call it a day.

Anonymous 98706

>I used to self harm by pushin needles through my skin

Holy shit I thought I was the only one.

Anonymous 98708

>How long have you been self harming?
around 9 years.
>What made you start?
i am not sure. i think i was just sad and hated myself. i have trouble processing strong emotions.
>What types of self harm?
mostly cutting, sometimes burning. starving works as harm reduction, even if it’s still pretty unhealthy. i am a former anachan so it’s difficult to convince myself that starving myself for what i view as a short amount of time is bad.
>are you trying to quit?
i would like to say i have quit. mostly. i probably self harm <8 times a year, as opposed to nearly daily at my peak. i didn’t really wanna quit but my boyfriend really hates it, i don’t like upsetting him. he’s my prime motivation for stopping. also, having self harm scars is kind of embarrassing to me. they’re mostly hidden but sometimes i’d run out of space and now i have to advertise my “Hello I Am Mentally Unstable” billboard in the summer months.
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
plushie nona has the right idea. also, reading something funny, or watching a movie. the most effective alternatives for me are going for walks, writing in my journal, and drawing.
>why do you self harm?
Feels Good Man.
it’s pretty easy for me to suppress the urge, but sometimes i don’t want to. sometimes i don’t wanna fight. i want to give up. let the self wallowing consume me, purposely think of things and seek out things that make me feel worse. the catharsis after feels good.
>how does this effect your daily life?
even if i have mostly stopped, every morning i wake up and my first thought is, “i should hurt myself” or something equally destructive. it doesn’t have much bite to it, it’s just my automatic start up phrase.
>any other places you go for support?
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
i’ve heard bio oil helps? i wish i’d used it when i got it, but i was stubborn..
one day, while my friends were over, my mother pointed out my scars (ironically, the ones she pointed out were stretch marks, hahaha) and questioned me what they were. she asked my friends. she was angry, i was pretty embarrassed… she brought me to the doctor and after a vaguely traumatizing situation of being forced to strip in front of my mother so my doctor could inspect me and give me the diagnosis of “Yep, These Are Self Harm Scars” and tell my mother to buy some bio-oil. i was pretty upset with her so i refused to use it. take that, mom! (i should have listened..)

Anonymous 98709

it depends on the person. my current gf cared a lot but also when i relapsed she found it ridiculous and let me know that. so at first yes but when they realize it’s an actual problem and you’re mentally ill, they just want to get away from your or want you to hide it.

Anonymous 98716

>How long have you been self harming?
Over a decade I guess.
>What made you start?
Anger and self-hatred
>What types of self harm?
Punching my head and arms, then cutting. Bit myself recently to stop a cutting relapse.
>are you trying to quit?
I quit cutting 5 years ago but last hit myself a couple weeks back.
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
When I quit I was on a self-improvement bender so I was distracted by my concentration on weight loss and all. Basically distract yourself.
But mainly work on your mental health and self-control in general. I know I continue the punching because I simply give in and allow myself to. I chose not to allow myself to cut and so I don't (temptation be dammed some days).
>why do you self harm?
Still anger and self-hatred. I'm the same as the anon who punishes herself, but I mainly do it when someone is upset at me. In my head I see it as the truest way to show I'm sorry for fucking up, so in a way it's an act of love they'll never know about. Fucked up martyrdom kek. I'm bad at handling when people are angry and instead of fighting back, which was never acceptable to do, I'd take it out on me. I used to take it out in objects but that's even less acceptable than cutting or hitting your head.
On a lower level, for cutting, I also saw it as physical proof that I'm sad. Even now I still lament not doing more since I feel the need to prove that I struggled emotionally. I also long to return so I can feel bad for myself.
>how does this affect your daily life?
Not much. If I avoid situations where loved ones get angry at me I'm good for years, though it is on my mind for the less tempting aesthetic reasons as discussed.
>any other places you go for support?
Mom sometimes, but she got fed up with it (can't blame her).
I have friends who know since we're all into getting healthy, but I don't lean on them or anything.
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
Scar creams and staying out of the sun mostly works for thin scars.
I was very methodical about disinfecting my cuts, I had a whole system. It was kind of nuts, I got to get off on my hypochondria at the same time. It likely helped me heal better though.

Anonymous 98717

Does hunting help with self harm? I have a theory that it is a result of ancient predatory ape instincts being unable to express themselves.

Anonymous 98724

Nah, you should keep hurting yourself instead of an innocent animal

Anonymous 98727

Same, and I was even more embarassed because I started when I was 19-20 and not as a teenager - I used to think that it was just an angsty teen thing for attention.
I haven't cut for a long time now and will probably never do it again, although I can't say the same thing for punching myself.
The reaction my partner had when he saw the scars made me feel so much shittier than any pain that brought me to cut myself in the first place. I've promised myself that I couldn't let a temporary breakdown turn into a constant reminder of that shitty moment that I've to keep on my body for at least a long time, if not permanently. Being constantly scared of my family seeing them during the summer, missing out on swimming or wearing nice clothes etc. was also too much of a hassle.

I'm now trying to fade my scars for the summer incoming, and also as a form of self-healing (litteraly and figuratively) - I used to avoid looking at my legs/torso at all, and now I just get happier seeing how the scars are fading slowly. It is both aesthetically satisfying and symbolically encouraging.
Fellow nonas who are trying to fade your scars, here are my tips : mostly hydrating and exfoliating regularly, and massaging the scars as often as possible with some oil/cream to break down the scar tissues. I've only used petroleum jelly, random oils I had or some aloe vera but I think there are also otc gels/moisturizer specifically for scar-healing. Mind you my scars weren't that deep but I do see a difference and hope to be confident enough to show my legs again by this summer.

Anonymous 98757

We eat animals.

Anonymous 98764

I extinguished cigarettes on my skin and did some deep cutting, but i'm all fine now. Except alcoholism and a dead end life i guess.

Anonymous 98793

thats retarded

Anonymous 98794

Clean from sh for a few months now if I shouldn't post this sorry
>How long have you been self harming?
Since I was 14 so 11 years now
>What made you start?
Grew up in poverty,parents hated me, depression. Don't know why I started cutting
>What types of self harm?
Cutting,hitting myself,tearing out my hair,putting out cigs on my body
>are you trying to quit?
I quit a few months ago just out of apathy but I still think about doing it a lot
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
>why do you self harm?
Hate my body and ruining it made me feel better.
>how does this effect your daily life?
made my anxiety and fear of people 100x worse and any time im out in public all I can think about is people seeing my scars,even though I always have them covered by clothes
>any other places you go for support?
Have no support beyond venting anonymously on the internet
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
Wouldn't know,I've heard online that tretonin fades scars

Anonymous 98805

do you blame anyone or anything for your situation? how does someone avoid turning out like you?

Anonymous 98812

dont be depressed

Anonymous 98815

what made you depressed? just bad genes? past trauma? shitty diets? etc.

Anonymous 98899

kek forgot i used to do this too but only on my face! i don’t mean piercings because I never put rings in the holes, it was just for the fuck if it… any other nоnnа like this out there?

Anonymous 99201


>How long have you been self harming?
for the past 5 years
>What made you start?
shitty situation at home, failing at school, terrible classmates, inherited mental instability, etc
>What types of self harm?
mostly cutting but also disordered eating
>are you trying to quit?
yes, 74 days clean now
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
none. i just push through it even though i want to cut again so badly. cutting is truly the most effective way for me personally
>why do you self harm?
coping with stress, emotions i don’t want to deal with, as punishment
>how does this effect your daily life?
i have a lot of healed scars and i might get self-conscious because of them sometimes but i don’t really care about them anymore.
>any other places you go for support?
my family and bf, both made me stop cutting for a while. i live with them both so my scars would be instantly visible. they’d get sad
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
i used to rub coconut oil on them, idk how much it helped me

Anonymous 99348


I want to cut again. I would have to do it in weird places though to not let anyone see the scars and that's the main thing stopping me from doing it already. I'm not used to cutting my stomach or chest or back so I'd have to get used to it itching and cleaning up the blood would be awkward…

Anonymous 99349


>I want to cut again. I would have to do it in weird places though to not let anyone see the scars and that's the main thing stopping me from doing it already.

When life gives you lemons make lemonade. Go hardcore instead. Rub boiled up clay into the wound to make the scar even bigger. People will be impressed and will like you.

Anonymous 99358


i relapsed and cut myself on my leg few weeks ago and my bf asked me where did i get this cut from. the first time i was like eehh it's nothing, then he asked me again yesterday and i lied to him and told him it's from shaving. this is the first time i lied to him i wanna kms.
i just get really depressed sometmes and i cant vent about it so idk what to di and i lose it

Anonymous 99361


It's okay nona, relapses happen, it's part of recovery. It cannot always be perfect. You don't have to tell your bf right away, you can tell him later when you feel more stable. There is no obligation. What matters most is how comfortable you are at the moment. Please focus on taking care of yourself, treat yourself to a nice meal or do a favorite activity of yours. I wish you the best and hope all the nice things will come your way, even if it can be scary.

Anonymous 99367

thank u nona for the nice reply :p and thanks for reminding me to eat, i just got bread and im gonna eat it even though i just brushed my teeth

Anonymous 99433

>How long have you been self harming?
I didn't realize punching myself as a kid was self harm, so my whole life lol. Started cutting last year at 25, but punching is my main form.
>What made you start?
Whenever I disappointed someone I would punch myself as a kid. I still do the same thing.
>What types of self harm?
Punching and cutting, banging my head on the wall. Also lots and lots of weed
>are you trying to quit?
Not really, since it's not very frequent and helps calm me down. Sometimes my head feels like it's going to explode, and self harm is the only thing that will give me a wave of relief.
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
I can successfully stop myself if I'm feeling good enough that day by telling myself there's no benefit to doing it. If I have the willpower I can distract myself with something else
>why do you self harm?
Right now because of my depressed boyfriend; he's been depressed for years, and whenever he has an anger outburst I can get overwhelmed and self harm. I know I'm doing it for attention, but I want him to care about me. He gets upset when he sees I hurt myself, and it both saddens me and gives me a bit of relief/joy/idk just from knowing he noticed. He knows I do it because of him, and I wish he would get help after asking him several times over the years. It's partially my fault since I never speak up due to childhood upbringing, so I feel like I let it get this bad. However, I've made a lot of progress
>how does this effect your daily life?
I mainly self harm on my thighs, so sometimes if I punch too hard and the bruise is too big I can't wear shorts. Otherwise it doesn't affect me too much
>any other places you go for support?
My friend who also self harms and my therapist, and whatever other friend. My boyfriend, too, but that's always loaded with emotions. I stopped reaching out to people though
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
Don't have anything yet

It's sad but kinda nice seeing other nonas struggle with the same problems. I don't feel too alone.

Anonymous 99443

I have found a new lifehack recently.

Tweezing my hair.

Now, you might think that's an ineffective way to self harm, but try ripping out ALL of your pubes with a tweezer and you will see the merit.

I need to be hairless anyway on the off-chance my scrote of a boyfriend decides he does want to have sex with me (very unlikely) so every day I rip out hairs on my legs and public region. Gives a decent rush. Not as good as cutting, but I'm sick of the drama I get from people noticing my cuts.

Anonymous 99449


>How long have you been self harming?

Ever since i was 9-10yrs old so like yrs 9-10yrs now since i just turned 18 a couple of months ago

>What made you start?

I honestly dont know. It was a build up with alot of stuff since getting sexually assaulted at starting age and attempting suicide at that age aswell. I was sexually assaulted by my older cousins (i was 9 at the time and they were 12 yrs old) They stripped me naked held me down and took videos of me, i also remember getting touched by an older guy at the bus home while waiting for my aunt to pick me up. The video spread over to all my friends in my neighborhood, all my classmates and i couldnt eat nor go outside first momment i found out it was spread i was hysterically crying and having a panick attack like i couldnt breathe. i tried jumpig off our thirdfloor house but my mom and grandma stopped me. i dont remember where exactly i saw nor learned what suicide is but because of the trauma and the humiliation i dealt with i couldnt control myself and i wanted to be gone so desperately. since then I've been jumpig from highplaces, very recently burning myself and cutting myself. I've got two stitches done because of it and my whole arm is just very mutilated and everyone is scared of it but i dont think its THAT bad

>What types of self harm?

just cutting and burning tbh

>are you trying to quit?

I tell my boyfriend im trying really hard but i just dont bother, i do really care and think they're kind of beautiful

>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?

nothing. i always end up doing it anyway

>why do you self harm?


>how does this effect your daily life?

a little, its a conversation starter for sure. people sometimes get worried about me and my dad always tells me no man will ever take me seriously and no job will ever accept me because of this addiction of mine.

>any other places you go for support?

My boyfriend made me block alot of my friends i talk to, made me uninstall discord where i talk to all of my friends aswell so i dont really have anyone to talk to about this habit of mine.

>Treatment for old scars/damage?

nothing its just there

Anonymous 99450

cont. sorry for venting but tbh, it just got worse when my parents couldnt stop beating me up all the time. i would get alot of belt burns anyway and the stitches i mentioned was from a blackmail. I told them if they kept hurting me ill hurt myself more. First stitches were when we ran out of electricity because of unpaid bills and my parents decided to take it all out on me. woke up with alot of bloodloss and it was so heartwrenching when my aunt called my mom and told her i cut again and she acted like it was normal i heard from the phone "its probably not that bad anyway" before 18hrs later she comes home to see how bad it really was. The one on my arms was when she saw my diary about how much i hated her and how i felt about be everyone else. she beat me up while she was telling me it was for discipline and how dare i write about her like that
i cut so deep that night 4deep cuts on my wrist, one actually actually for maybe this will finally kill me the others were for making sure. i slept, then sadly i woke up. it was 12hrs before my attempt was found and i didnt die. of course, what'd i thought was going to happen? cutting doesnt kill you. she sent me to the hospital and i remember not crying from the pain sixe there was no pain at all, the deeper the cut the less it hurts and the doctors literally were making fun of me. one said "why didnt you go deeper? you were scared werent you?" I will never forget those words. i remember that time having an ed too. i was starving, havent ate since yesterday and it was only in the late afternoon did i ate along with the bloodloss.

I really wonder how i didnt actually kill myself that day. i remember it and i cant stop crying. i cursed my parents for creating me

Anonymous 101308

I've been clean from cutting for almost two years, and tonight I feel so fucking terrible I want to relapse. Usually I go to the gym or smoke a cigarette instead to get my mind off it but I can't do either right now and I feel like a caged animal. I want to get a piercing just so I can hurt myself without people worrying about me.

Anonymous 102874

>How long have you been self harming?
the first time i did was when i was in third grade, i stopped biting my nails to grow them out solely to scratch at my hand until it got so deep i couldn’t anymore. i stopped once i started nail biting again. in 8th grade i began to do it again as a coping mechanism. it’s been 8 years.
>What made you start?
just my brain with poor mental genetics, abusive mom, really horrible self esteem.
>What types of self harm?
scratching myself, cutting, and last year i started burning my thighs with matches.
>are you trying to quit?
i’ve accepted that it’s just something natural to me as it was something i’ve been drawn to since i was very very young. the only reason i try to avoid it bc the scars are ugly and i don’t like coordinating my outfits around hiding them but otherwise i don’t really care about hurting myself anymore.
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
i draw, just try to distract myself, if i see a point in doing so.
>why do you self harm?
i kinda like watching the blood come out. cuts tend to heal pretty quickly and effectively on me. if i feel bad i just have these inexplicable urges to hurt myself. harming myself is the only effective outlet to get rid of that urge.
>how does this effect your daily life?
i just have to coordinate my left arm to be less visible through body language (having my palm facing inwards at all times basically) but it’s habitual now. i’m very good at hiding my scars, except for my burn marks, but those are only on my upper thighs so nobody sees them.
>any other places you go for support?
not really, i don’t care for support.
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
i let my cuts heal naturally but i’m currently trying to heal my burn ones because those are the most noticeable. i use mederna advanced scar gel daily after i shower.

Anonymous 102897

oh hey nice to know theres a thread for us

>How long have you been self harming?

four years

>What made you start?

dont remember. i do remember being a kid thinking "i'm depressed but i'll never cut myself". younger me thought greatly of older self. oops.

>What types of self harm?

cutting, bashing my head, punching. have burnt once or twice but i don't like it that much but still get the urge to try it some more.

>are you trying to quit?

not exactly, i'm not rn because the razors i have are more tardproof than usual to take apart, and living with family who know.

>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?

bandaging (if you're in the financial situation to do so, or use old fabric) w/o harming yourself. or drawing cute girls and project my issues on them lel. or sleeping on any urges and see if you still feel as shit the next day.

>why do you self harm?

don't remember why i started, but i like cutting because i get to feel taken care of when i bandage myself. i also like(hate) trying to go deep idk i feel like i've internalised whenever doctors called my cuts superficial. also calms me down. i like the scars too. i feel bad for feeling these ways.

>how does this effect your daily life?

people think they can hide """sharps""" (my nail file) from me. when i had fresh cuts i was too broke to always have proper bandages and noone really gave a fuck so i just had half bandaged arms. when i was working, older customers would insult me and be a bitch. also whenever something goes wrong my first thoughts are about sh. i feel like i get addicted to other things when i can't sh/to replace it.

>any other places you go for support?

for support there is a place on reddit (more memey/younger people but still really supportive and welcoming). i used to go on discord alot, but i feel out of place as people are cliquey, and i feel either too old or too young to be in most servers. also alot of fetishists and shitstirrers which is also why i don't like twitter. online just isn't the same as before covid (well everywhere was still toxic but you could find more comfy places for people actually looking to talk/have community rather than farming people numbers or whatever.

>Treatment for old scars/damage?

don't know too much about what actually works as i like my scars for the time being, but i hear vitamin c cream is good, and for raised scars massaging them. it is generally good to keep them moisturized as they can be itchy even way after you initially injured the skin.

Anonymous 102900

to add on i saw a nona who SH'd as "sorry" and i really resonate with that, whenever i fuck up i just want to punish myself as if to say "i don't mean to fuck up this is how badly i mean it". i also have some home problems which probably really started the spiral but i don't remember whether it was talking to someone online who also cut that had me try cutting for the first time. i feel like i have alot of guilt, shame and regret which really sends me stupid. sometimes i fantasize about messing myself up really bad and having an S/O take care of me. i don't know how to really feel about all of it.

Anonymous 102906

i hope you're away from all that madness w your family nona, you deserve peace and happiness

Anonymous 104538


>How long have you been self harming?
since around 14 i think
>Whgat made you start?
i had a deep hatred towards my body when i was young and felt no love from my parents. everything felt just wrong to me.
>What types of self harm?
cutting felt best as a sort of mutilation but punched myself back then too.
>are you trying to quit?
surprisingly it has been 2 years. no idea how i achieved this milestone without any support from relatives or therapists. but i did out of sheer determination? maybe im not that weak at all. still i am feeling the worst in recent times and fear ill relapse.
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
when you are for yourself being busy is the best you can do. its just so hard when you have around zero interests like me.
>why do you self harm?
as a means of escape. the self inflected pain gave me a emotional release from my surroundings
>how does this effect your daily life?
i am far free from the urge to just start again. whenever the thought intrudes my mind i feel kind of physically ill. from my limbs to my body everything goes cold worst under my fingernails. its dreadful. i want to rip them out. does anyone else feel this way whenever something reminds you of sh? cuddling someone or in my case just a pillow is the only thing calming me down then. otherwise i just start quietly panicking.
>any other places you go for support?
nuh. i did browse madeofstyrofoam before it went private just to cope.
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
laser therapy to flatten the bigger ones. glad i did this the puffyness is the worst.

Anonymous 104641

DollVana • Courtne…

>>How long have you been self harming?
around 2 years
>>What made you start?
loneliness & abuse
>>What types of self harm?
>>are you trying to quit?
no, i always relapse so ive given up hope on quitting.
>>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
smoking… but i can't say its the best alternative (obviously)
>>why do you self harm?
it gives me an immediate distraction and it makes me forget about my issues for a little bit.
>>how does this effect your daily life?
parents don't trust me anymore, people look at me funny when i wear short sleeve, strangers worried about me.
>>any other places you go for support?
no, unfortunately not
>>Treatment for old scars/damage?
not really, just baby lotion on old scars.

Anonymous 104751

girls just pick up a pen and start journaling

Anonymous 104756


>How long have you been self harming?
7 years
>What made you start?
Bullying in school (haha classic), family issues, loneliness, I found the concept of self harm when I was around 13 and thought "yep, I should try this"
>What types of self harm?
95% cutting, 4% bruising and 1% burning
>are you trying to quit?
There's no point to try to quit if my life is in shambles, but I have been improving my life and a result I self harm less.
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
Don't trigger yourself on purpose, don't try to go deeper, distract yourself with things you like to do. Exercise is also helpful.
>how does this effect your daily life?
It hasn't been affecting it much recently just because I don't see my scars as something "unusual" they're just part of my body, although I do look at the sometimes, it calms me down. And it's also rare for people to comment on it, this summer I spent 90% of time short sleeved didn't get any comments from strangers. I avoid wearing short sleeves at work though.
As when I have fresh cuts on my body, depending on severity, it has made me uncomfortable to move my arms/legs, I also sued to get dizzy, tired, slept a lot, very cold hands and feet. Felt like i was disabled.
If you think it'll get in the way of dating/relationship: most men don't mind it, even if you have a lot. It kinda acts like a filter. If they mind your scars you don't want them anyway. But beware this also attracts creep/fetishists and please don't down that line, those people don't love you, they just get off on your suffering.
>any other places you go for support?
There aren't many places for support. selfharm.pics has been pretty good but even there have been people that offered me support and wanted to be friends just to ghost me shortly after for not being interesting enough. Reddit can be good but avoid posting pictures. Avoid twitter at all costs. Haven't seen much anything about self harm on youtube. Don't use tiktok so I don't know about that.
The best support is a therapist, good friends, and being able to support yourself and wanting to improve.
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
Treat yours skin and cuts with care… Disinfect and clean your cuts and don't pick at them. Moisturize & exfoliate your skin. If you have a lot of scars make sure to clean them, because dirt gets stuck between scars easily.

Anonymous 104787

Do you know the artist ? This is freaking adorable

Anonymous 104890

>How long have you been self harming?
since i was 14/15, around 4 years
>What made you start?
depression and a rough breakup, i have bpd and the girl i was obsessed with had cut me off because of how unstable i was
>What types of self harm?
just cutting
>are you trying to quit?
i was clean for 6 months but did it again last week cause my boyfriend was ignoring me and i couldn't take it. called him 60 times in a row and sent 80+ emails after he blocked my number
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
sometimes exercising helps but only if the urge is mild enough
>why do you self harm?
relationship problems most the time, it calms me down and makes me feel more in control
>how does this effect your daily life?
i feel guilty because of how it makes my family feel. my dad wants to go swimming together this week and i'll feel awful if he notices. my mom told me once that i can't do this to "her daughter", that really hurt
>any other places you go for support?
not really
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
i tried using a scar gel my boyfriend got me but i don't think it works for deeper cuts

Anonymous 104910


>how long have you been self harming??
since 14 or so ? so like 8 years now, on and off
>what made you start
idk just mentally ill ig
>what types of self harm
>are you trying to quit
no not really
>any effective alternatives?
>why do you self harm?
bpd feeligns mainly
>how does this affect your daily life?
sometimes irls will ask me about it, they get really awkward once i explain what it is
>any other places you go for support?
talking to friends sometimes i guess
>treatment for old scars?
happens, i've had to explain it to bfs / gfs before, especially difficult if it's a relapse and this is the first time they've seen me that way… i think it's worse though when eventually they get used to it and stop caring ;-;
nothing really hits in the same way as cutting

Anonymous 111292


Many months late but does the scar gel/baby oil help? i have burns that are nearing a year old and i need them GONE. especially the one that is in a shape. help!!

Anonymous 111553

Bio oil should help burns. If not grab some vitamin e in liquid form and mix with cream or oil (to help spread it) and slather it on 1-2 times daily. That should help. Vitamin e also helps regular scarring but be careful putting it on your face cause it can clog pores according to a dermatologist I saw once who was horrified I put it on acne scars kek

Anonymous 111554

>How long have you been self harming?
Coming up for 10 years
>What made you start?
Fucking stupid Internet drama
>What types of self harm?
Just cutting
>are you trying to quit?
Considered myself clean since 2019 but that's a lie. Still relapse when it gets especially hard.
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
I just go to sleep instead
>why do you self harm?
No clue honestly I think I was doing it to be edgy and had friends that encouraged me to go deeper
>how does this effect your daily life?
Always afraid of a relapse but besides that my scars piss me off
>any other places you go for support?
I'm in England. Its an infinite circle of referrals.
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
My mom got me some kind of cream but it gave me a rash lol

Anonymous 111585


>How long have you been self harming?
15 years on and off (since I was 12-13)
>What made you start?
My upbringing with a difficult family, their divorce, life stressors and the bullying and harassment I endured when it first arose circa primary / secondary school. Also body dysmorphia and the fledgling of an ED. It would return and dull coinciding with traumatic events in my life
>What types of self harm?
At first just cutting, then escalating to cigarette burning and occasionally biting myself. In the last few years when it amped up brutally again I began to use glass shards and those left some umm pretty jagged scars
>are you trying to quit?
I have been clean since late January and I'm trying to stay that way.
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
Being medicated now helps, but also turning my woes into art, writing, or resorting to anything else that isnt stabbing myself with the nearest sharp object. Sometimes I wail and cry until my chest hurts to weaken the emotional load.
>why do you self harm?
I'm still processing trauma from my past and present and in unbelievable bursts of emotion I have no idea how to handle the sensory feeling. ive done it on and off so i was never consistent but when i'd do it, i'd do it in small, brutal streaks and the damage it left would be noticeable
>how does this effect your daily life?
my arms and thighs are scar covered and i'm self conscious about them. It's like 77f out and I'm wearing leggings and a sweater. I'm terrified of being judged and ogled like a circus freak and in the past a few especially cruel men drive me to tears with their remarks
>any other places you go for support?
Not anymore. I talk to my therapists and used to talk to my now nonexistent friends, that's about it. Family knows but doesn't really get it
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
basic ass wound cream and time. luckily my scars are mostly hairline so they heal a lot easier, always diligent about not incising too deep to avoid veins. Sometimes I'd smother lotion on the wounds lol. Despite me having a few close calls I've only had to get one wound stitched

Anonymous 111865


>How long have you been self harming?
>What made you start?
i have no idea actually.
>What types of self harm?
i used to peel skin off my heels and big toes. am autistic so head banging is an obvi. hitting myself in the eyes. got into cutting a while later. haven't stopped the cutting.
>are you trying to quit?
more so preventing then trying to quit. i have given up on quitting completely. i literally cant help myself. coping skills have stopped working. i have been doing it for 12 years now. idk.
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
one thing that does help for me is hot baths. not effective every time. try to not get it too hot that it actually hurts tho
>why do you self harm?
control. expression. to feel. you name it.
>how does this effect your daily life?
i am pretty covered in scars. not deep really big ones but obvious enough ya know. my family at one point avoided photos of me because they were so bad. they have faded more but they are still obvious and there. nothing worse then your family member deleting a photo of you because you can see huge scars on your calves and arms. they are light now so i am allowed to be in photos. i stopped covering them because it wasn't worth being in long sleeves and pants when its humid out. i stopped caring. i will hide cuts if they are there but scars i don't see the point. i recently gave myself a black eye and had to hide in my apartment (already a neet anyway so) for a week until it went away. i have really big calluses from tearing up my heels and big toes. doing anything to grind them away has been futile. my head banging has actually lead to neck issues (along with other issues i have that don't help and a car accident)
>any other places you go for support?
trying to find places. i beg everyone in this thread, lurking or posting to NOT go join in any shtwt bs. was silly enough to do so. it was not good and fueled me at some points.
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
i wouldnt qualify i think tbh. some have atrophied scars (mainly my larger one) so i am curious about what can be done if anyone knows.

Anonymous 111954


>How long have you been self harming?
since i was 14
>What made you start?
my classmate gave me some spare pencil sharpener razors and my brain thought to try it
>What types of self harm?
cutting, slapping myself
>are you trying to quit?
not for now, i relapsed a month ago. sadly it’s the only thing that helps me cope right now. i’m trying to minimize it though
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
texting my friend to annoy her, washing my face with cold water, and squeezing my plush
>why do you self harm?
started because i hated myself and didn’t fit in at school. i thought something was wrong with me so i used it to punish myself. now i keep doing it because i believe i deserve the pain whenever i make a mistake like not doing well in my classes or i accidentally hurt a friend’s feelings or made my mom upset
>how does this effect your daily life?
doesn’t effect it other than i faint after doing it. only my sister noticed my cuts so far but she said nothing.
>any other places you go for support?
tried therapy and it sucked, i just got cbt worksheets. my doctor knows and put me on prozac which just made me want to cut more
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
i don’t even treat it, i put bandaids on the smaller ones and if it’s bad i compress to stop the bleeding… i don’t know how to treat it

Anonymous 113087


every few months I come back to this thread. Trying to stay clean. I cant tell if reading & writing stories about self harm is triggering me or helping me cope with my desire. To be fair, I don’t get too triggered by most stories because they’re about cutting, and I burned, but once in a while a character burns themselves and I just… wow. I remember how wonderful it is. I want it so bad I feel sick. Even writing this now my stomach is doing flips of desperation. I’m over a year clean, damn it! I don’t want any scars! Sigh.

What do you gyns think about how self harm is a first world problem? I am conflicted… because it’s kind of true, but that feels very dismissive.

Anonymous 113091

Self harm can manifest in a lot of ways across all social classes and backgrounds. Saying it's a privileged thing is stupid, I'm sure there's homeless people out there who self harm too

Anonymous 113100

> ctrl-f cure Phrase not found
Ok so did anyone actually cure themselves of this, and if so, how?

Anonymous 113219

I found other distractions and outlets for my anger. When I have the urge I usually try and distract myself with something else. I had a minor relapse involving me stabbing my arm with a pen the other week but for the most part have stayed clean through medication sorting my scatterbrain a little and distraction

Anonymous 113578


I’ve never talked about it before so it feels weird to type out but I can’t sleep and just relapsed so why not
>how long?
I think liek 8-9 years
>what made you start?
Typical broken home type thing, physically abusive dad and alcoholic mentally ill mom. Getting sexually assaulted by my best friend while hiding at his house after a particularly bad incident at home was what kicked it off though
> what type?
Cutting and burning. Starving myself and making myself throw up too if those count. I also used to abuse pills and meds. And self strangulation but that’s stopped completely
>are you trying to quit?
Not actively, I know it’s not good but I don’t really see it as THAT bad for me I guess. I’m not really suicidal so as long as it doesn’t kill me or disable me it’s nbd is sort of my line of thinking, stupid as it may be
>any effective ways to minimize harm?
I’ll focus on a model build, or draw or get high but it’s when it’s too late in the night to do those things and I feel too awful that it becomes really hard not to.
>why do you self harm
The numb, sleepy feeling afterwards is nice, it feels like going brain empty.feels like any stress or emotion has been temporarily eliminated. I also like bandaging afterwards and making it look all neat and clean. It makes me feel taken care of. I even romanticized it at some point. Kept my razor, lighter, bandages etc in a pretty jewelry box ffs. I used to spend a LOT of my time locked in my bathroom until night time so it also sort of became something to do when there was literally no other stimulation around. I still resort to it sometimes I’m simply bored enough
>how does this effect your daily life?
It doesn’t, except fresh marks or cuts hurting against my clothed or bed. Some scars are visible but I don’t care and no one’s said anything.
>any places you go to for support?
Tried therapy several times, never worked. I don’t open up about personal feelings stuff to anyone so not that either.
> treatment?
I stick a few bandaids on the worst places or wrap with gauze when I have it after disinfecting but a lot of the time lately nothing.

Anonymous 114115


>How long have you been self harming?
Been self harming on and off since I was 14, so for 9 years more or less :)
>What made you start?
I'd like to say something deep but the truth is I found myself disgusting and my body back then wouldn't react to anything. Started to cut myself to feel pain.
>What types of self harm?
Cutting and drugs (opiates), starving usually.
>are you trying to quit?
Hmm I guess? not rlly
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm? Watch movies…?
>why do you self harm? As of now out of spite, and it helps me deal with anxiety attacks. Better to have an open wound than having to go to the hospital.
>how does this effect your daily life?
Having to cover my arms is meddlesome, and people can tell if I'm high or not.
>any other places you go for support?
I wish I could have a friend I could talk to, that's for sure.
>Treatment for old scars/damage? Rosehip oil does wonders!!! In Spanish it's rosa mosqueta, very effective.

Anonymous 114393

it doesn't matter if it's a first world problem. your problems are yours and deserve attending to like anyone else.

Anonymous 114577


>How long have you been self harming?
i don't do it anymore.. but i self harmed for 2 years and a half
>What made you start?
I had an ED and hated my body, cutting was a form of "punishing" myself for eating
>What types of self harm?
cutting, burning my skin with cigarettes, scratching until it bleeds
>are you trying to quit?
i already quit. I have been 1 year and a half sober, its going to be 2 years in 6 days!
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
>why do you self harm?
i did it cuz i thought i deserved it for eating or being "fat", i also had a bf who would humiliate me everytime he found out that i passed my calorie limit, so it was way worse because he would encourage me to do it deeper lol, if i was crazy, he was crazier
>how does this effect your daily life?
it affected in many ways, how i was SO ashamed of my body than i was it before, people stop trusting you with sharp objects or being alone in the bathroom for so long, i also did drugs so i can't hang out at night anymore or close the door of my room
>any other places you go for support?
uh,i didn't had any support, i had a few therapists but they didn't helped at all. i got out of it by myself, and it was because i once cut way too deep and i got scared
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
i didn't had any treatment either, my scars in my thighs and arms are fading by themselves
But i was extra hygienic with the cuts on my body, i stitched some myself a few times cuz i was scared of some infection

Anonymous 114581

I am very happy to hear that you are better now, nona!

Anonymous 114690

i've been clean for 5 months, but i think about cutting almost every day. i have the urge to feel it, to see my blood and stuff.
the last time i did it was after a fight with my ldr boyfriend who traveled a whole country to see me. i relapsed and had a panic attack, not feeling enough etc. although he was supportive and stayed with me/put effort into making me feel better, his first reaction was just to say he was disappointed in me and that he didn't want his wife to have more scars than the ones i already have, and it resonated with me til now, think the only reason i haven't cutted despite the urge to do so is because of those words.
i get really depressed sometimes and lately it's worse, idk why lol i can't recognize or express my feeling well enough to vent to someone, even writing this seems odd but i needed to get it off of my chest i guess

Anonymous 114717

Just relapsed after being 5 months clean. Fuck my life

Anonymous 114730

Hey girly, I'm sorry you felt you need to harm yourself again, but I hope you don't discount the work you did for those 5 months - it takes a lot. What matters now is moving forward. Clean your wounds, recognize what set you off and have a plan for if you feel the need to self-harm, and be gentle with yourself. When we're not used to walking a new path, sometimes we trip - what matters is we get back up and keep trying. Hugs!

Anonymous 114731

Thank you anon. I took care of myself and tried to sleep and eat well today.

Anonymous 114732

That's great! Getting back to healthy sleep, eating, and exercise is the foundation of health and well-being, but I know how hard it is to get back to after we hit a speed bump. That you're already doing that much, really shows your strength.

Anonymous 114803


I was never able to live normally as a teenager because of mental health issues. I'm in my 20s now and I'm trying to turn my life around. I recently got a job, which is a big step for me. But still, every few months I'll go into a tard rage where I get unreasonably upset and cannot think rationally. That's usually how the cutting happens these days. I have scars all over my arms from when I consciously chose to cut in my teenage years. My most recent cutting was a few months ago. They were bad, worse than I thought. Thankfully it didn't come to infection, but I was afraid it would. The freshest ones are very visible and I'm terrified that my place of work will notice, see me as unfit, and fire me.

Anonymous 115436

One thing I’ve always wondered with self harm is why they don’t just go to the gym instead. An hour on the assault bike is more agony/endorphin release that those lil papercuts will ever be. Plus you’ll get a really sexy body too instead of barcodes you have to cover up all the time.

Anonymous 115450

>sexy body
I would much rather keep my barcodes, thank you.

Anonymous 115462


I thought I posted a response to this and maybe I forgot to press send

either way
>is clean five months
>still ended up relapsing
>explain to me why endorphins from exercise aren't enough
>"w-why don't you just stop"
>its an addiction you dipshit

Anonymous 115463

I have dermatillomania and I feel like it'd be less embarrassing if I cut myself all over like the girl in sharp objects
I know that's horrible to say and isn't true but derma is uniquely disgusting and makes me look like I have scabies or leprosy or do drugs

Anonymous 115473


>how long have you been self harming?
The first time I did it, I was about 17. I used the blade from a pencil sharpener and did my arm. It was just one or two cuts, they were small and not that bad. Some time later I did my upper arm and stomach, I think I was about 19 or 20, I can’t remember. I’ve never really done it consistently. Last time I did it was back in January of this year, which was “better” than the previous times since I did it “right” if that makes sense. The scars look deeper and definitely deliberate since I used an exacto knife that time.
>what made you start?
Depression, hating myself, feeling a need to be punished for being a bad person or fucking up somehow. Shitty thing after shitty thing happening throughout my late teens, never getting therapy, and not having friends. There is also a small sense of control with it but that’s mostly with the eating thing. The eating thing also started out of feeling “ugly” and generally hating my body.
>what types of self harm?
Cutting, disordered eating. Sometimes I bite myself if I’m nervous. I pick at the skin around my fingernails to the point that it bleeds, also out of a nervous habit or boredom. I’ve done that since I was about 8 or so. I also squeeze my throat and kind of try to choke myself if I feel a lump in my throat, I did it the other day to stop myself from crying and it worked but I also coughed afterwards.
>are you trying to quit?
Sort of. I’ve been clean for about six months now. Last week was particularly bad since I kept thinking about slicing myself with a box cutter that I have. I didn’t do it, but I could almost feel the sensation. Last time I did it it felt really good, and the thought to do it again has been almost constant this past week. I’d rather relapse on the self harm than relapse on the disordered eating though.
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
Be lazy. Be too lazy to buy new razor blades and be too lazy to get up from your bed and actually do it. Look for any possible distraction. Talk to friends if you have them. If you don’t, talk to chatbots of your favorite fictional characters. Draw, listen to music, read smutty fanfics. Writing is also good. I like to write about characters or I just journal.
>why do you self harm?
I feel a need to repent and it felt really good when I did it. I think I’m right at the cusp of it becoming a full-on addiction if something bad happens and I do it again, because my brain keeps going back to the memory of how good it felt. I can’t even remember how much it hurt last time, I just remember the euphoria. I felt validated, like I did something “right”.
>how does this effect your daily life?
Other than being careful about what shirts I wear, not much. I don’t go outside. My mom checked me the other day before I took a shower which was pretty embarrassing but at least my parents know now. Still, I have to be hyper aware of my left arm and shoulder all the time. Also, I can’t wear tank tops which sucks because it’s the summer time and I hate the summer.
>any other places you go for support?
Not really, I just vent anonymously or keep it to myself. I stay the hell away from twitter/tumblr/self harm communities, I fear that it’s a slippery slope and it could lead to an echo chamber pretty quickly.
>treatment for old scars/damage?
Nope. I just shower and moisturize afterwards. The scars are always covered up anyway.

Anonymous 116536

>How long have you been self harming?
14 years on and off
>What made you start?
I had a classmate in middle school that told me about how he cut himself. I decided to try it for the hell of it and got hooked.
>What types of self harm?
Cutting though when I was really young and dramatic I would bang my head on stuff or rip my hair out looking for attention
>are you trying to quit?
I consider myself "clean" honestly since I only relapse once or twice a year though maybe that's addict logic
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
Don't own anything you could use for it. It being hard to do effectively helps a lazy fuck like me
>why do you self harm?
I don't like feeling my emotions and it helped with that, just stops the overwhelming feelings right away. It brings relief
>how does this effect your daily life?
I'm scarred up as fuck and live in a place with hot weather so I gave up the long sleeves a decade ago. I go about my life deluding myself into thinking that no one really notices, obviously they do but fortunately most people are too polite to bring it up. Sometimes randos will point it out though and it bums me out. Hasn't stopped me from having friends or getting jobs, though.
>any other places you go for support?
If I buy razor blades I tell my therapist who makes me agree to throw them out or give them to someone I trust. I'm a retard that can't lie so if I tell her will I have to do it lol.
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
Never tried never will might be too late for me anyways.

Honestly being a working adult in a hot climate is my main reason for not cutting anymore. It is the most satisfying on my arms, the typical hidden places like the legs just don't provide the same relief for some reason. My coworkers and peers don't mind the old scars but they'd probably care if i came in to work with fresh ones so it helps me reconsider. I want to so badly though. Sometimes I get the craving not even when I'm upset or panicking, sometimes it's when I'm bored and I just want to do it. Such is life

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