Anonymous 99385
I don't want to be married and my bf wants to marry me i already told him that i don't want to however he keeps trying, i honestly don't want to break his heart but i don't really want to marry, should i ghost him?
Anonymous 99387
I am having the same issue with my e bf. I wanted a bf for so long and I finally got one and he wants to get married and have kids, and I don’t want those things, probably because I never thought of it as a possibility and got too used to the idea of having alone time. Unlike you though I just agreed with him instead of telling him I’m unsure. I think you’re probably better than me though because I told him I wanted to marry him and now I’m also thinking of ghosting him because I’m scared of turning into his mommy bangmaid.
Anonymous 99625
>>99385yeah. staying in a relationship where you don't want marriage but he does is just going to hurt worse in the future
Anonymous 99637
>should i ghost him?
you are talking about marriage and I assume you have never even met the guy. Maybe you should consider finishing highschool first before you start pondering if you're going to marry or not.