Anonymous 99414
Forgot why I stopped hanging out with men and hooking up with them.
So this weird coincidence happened today. This guy I use to Snapchat who leaves like two states away. Was staying at the hotel I work at for work. Decide heck it I’ll hangout with him. Worst decision of my life. He had been with like thirty women and still didn’t know how to kiss and literally bit my boob so hard it now hurts and is all bruised up. He kissed me like he was trying to eat my mouth. We didn’t really go any further and thank fuck. Now I will be celibate for another three years before I forget how bad they are at sex.
Anonymous 99446
Yep. And they act like they're sex gods, and like they've blown your mind because they stuck a finger up you.
My fav is when they half heartedly eat you out for 30 seconds, or when they pull my clitoral hood off my clit, which is incredibly painful…or when they start just shoving their fingers into me ugh.
Most men literally do not care about our pleasure. Grim.
Hope your hookup was at least hot. That's pretty much the only thing most men bring to the table sexually.
Anonymous 99523
>>99446He was kind of hot, not really like my type. I just don’t know how you can have sex with so many people and still be so bad. Like I have been with 5 guys and I still know how to kiss. Like our teeth kept knocking together because he had his whole mouth open. It was so disappointing cause I haven’t done anything like this in sooo long. :/ He also called me a an egirl, when I’m very clearly like coquette soft girl. It’s like if you don’t fit the normal mold for a girl your emo to them.