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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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I think I'm in love Anonymous 99711

Hello, anonette <3

I think I'm in love…

I met this guy, online, a little more than a year ago now. It clicked like never before. We understood one another, had the same morals and values, and our political opinions are the same time. We do have the same opinion on a lot of things ; which feels really nice, feels nice to be understood. We never fought. Not even one fight.

I honestly think that he's marriage material
I have not seen one redflag, even after a year. Maybe I'm dumb, maybe I'm blind. But I haven't seen one

A couple of months ago, we started to be more distant… The different timezone did not help at all. We were both pretty busy and sens a few messages throughout the day but nothing more. And I can't explain how much I fucking regret going down that path. I should've answered him more frequently. Showing him that I was still interested in him. I don't know how to bring up the conversation to him… I don't know how to explain that I'm still interested and if he is too.

We even talked about meeting up, and freaking marriage at some point

I think that I'm in love and I'm extremely anxious about the fact that he could not be interested anymore

Can someone could help me with how I could bring up this situation to him. Help me with anything. What do y'all think of this situation ?

Anonymous 100739

this is bad advice. moids aren't dense at all - they just won't have the decency to not string you along even if they know in their minds that you're not the one. if he let it go that means he's not interested, period. don't project your own attitudes onto him - he's a moid.

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