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Anonymous 10508

Sneakers thread

Post sneakers you think are nice!
I plan on buying some reebok sneakers but I want to feel cute and I'm not so sure if that's the best choice.

Anonymous 10513


My ex was a massive hypebeast so typical coveted sneakers are ruined for me. A part of me wants to swallow my pride and buy filas since they look comfy and probably add a few inches but I’m pretty sure they’re out of style now anyway

Anonymous 10514


>Those Kingdom hearts shoes

Anonymous 10515


i used to want buffalo shoes but i can’t really afford them

Anonymous 10559

Screen Shot 2021-0…

looking to cop some blazer mids but im not sure what colorway to get yet. im thinking either this, red, or cheetah print

Anonymous 10565

god i wish i could do my laces

Anonymous 10566

Anonymous 10574

>it takes more aptitude to tie shoe laces than to post on the internet
That explains a lot.

Anonymous 10577

Those are cute but why all the branding? Blegh.

Anonymous 10615


kill bill Japanese brand


Adidas is also cool they have never failed me, overall really good sneakers.


Anonymous 10625

Can anyone recommend feminine sneakers, flat comfortable boots and ballets?

Anonymous 10630

vans all the way

Anonymous 10647


Reebok Princess shoes are literally the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever worn. They feel like pillows. I got the wide version since I heard complaints that the regular size was too narrow.
These are cute! Way better than those weird gigantic geriatric shoes.

Anonymous 10648

Can second they are comfortable. Sadly two girls in high school bullied me and said they were “granny shoes” (and tried to get other people to call me that but no one cared) so I barely wore mine :(

Anonymous 10652


Wtf? They don’t even look like granny shoes to me. They look like normal sneakers to me. I’m offended on your behalf.

Anonymous 10653

Yeah, I don't get it either. A dumb girl made an offhand remark that apparently her granny had the same shoes. Then another girl, who was always bullying someone over some non-issue now I think about it, picked up on it. The dumb girl followed whatever the bully one did and so they both would bring it up for no reason (we were part of the same friends group). Later the bully one told other people loudly about it and pointed at me in gym class.

Like I said though, no one else cared or said anything about it. If I still had them I would wear them now as they really were comfortable, but I think I ended up selling them because of the bad memory.

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