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Skin whitening Anonymous 11271

Is it possible to actually get pale with products? I see lots of korean beauty influencers getting really pale with creams and stuff but everytime I try them, nothing changes. I feel like nothing ever changes. Same for kojic acid soap. Never did anything! My skin is probably as dark as Salma Hayek. She is a really beautiful woman and I think all skintones can be attractive but me, personally, I don't wanna be dark. Everytime I use a filter that makes me lighter it makes 10x times prettier.
Anyone here tried any cream that worked for them?
(also no point in telling me to love myself blablabla, i do like myself i just wanna be paler it's the same as paler women wanting to get tan. nothing is wrong with it.)

Anonymous 11273

All those cream are not good for your skin and your organs will turn into soup.
Korean influencer don't use those products they just want you to buy their sponsorship products. They use make up most of the time and video filters. So please don't damage your skin is it really worth it?

Anonymous 11274

sunscreen + vitamin c made me like half a shade lighter

i don’t think there’s anything that will make you like kpop idol white, although ive heard things about glutathione treatments being pretty good for lightening skin.

otherwise, wearing makeup that’s just a tad bit lighter than your actual skin tone works too.

Anonymous 11276

Unless you take something extreme (things banned in some countries), you're not going to see much results as most of those things only work for removing old and tanned skin. Just stay indoors for 6 months and you'll see the same results.

Anonymous 11292

This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. To think this is even possible in the first place is retarded.

Anonymous 11303

Some people tan in the sun significantly without even trying. If those people use skin lighteners, they go back to their "default" color which may be a few shades lighter than their sun-induced color. I don't think it's actually possible to get lighter than your "default" color, though. That's just genetics. Skin lighteners and zinc-oxide sunscreen can definitely prevent and remove sun tan, though, thus making people who tan easily noticeably lighter.
Also, keep in mind that influencers shoop themselves lighter. A lot of asian selfie apps also have a lightening filter.

Anonymous 11304

I don't think a lot of those creams are necessarily bad for you. They can even out skintone, remove dark spots from acne, and protect your skin from sunlight.
They aren't going to make you pale if you weren't born that way, though.

Anonymous 11358

being tanner is also damaging, so i wouldn't recommend that either. anything that damages your skin is not suggestible. even sunless tanner has been found to literally damage your dna.

Anonymous 18396

Skin whitening injections. But i personally think you should love your skin color as it is. I was trying to bleach my olive skin too and its my biggest regret in life. I am a bronze sculpture

Anonymous 18682

my friends mom got leukaemia from using this shit


I would be weary of cremes that are designed to lighten the skin as they can be dangerous and you could have an adverse reaction to the chemicals in one of those cremes.

Anonymous 18714

for anyone who wants to know the real secret to becoming significantly whiter its this:

Use kagayaku rosmar soap, the extreme 15x lightening one. Use this soap 5 times in one shower, each 3 mins before rinsing. On your face only twice since it will be really dry afterwards and it will hurt a little but trust me its worth it. Then, put 100% aloevara on your face and skin. I recommend putting aloevera two times on your face then massage it with some ice.
do this 4times a week

-NEVER EVER EVER let the sun touch you even a little bit!!
-Always bring an umbrella and always wear leggings, jogging pants when going outside so the sun never touches your legs. wear socks and or wear baggy sweaters along with it so the sun never touched your arms
-stay skinny (maybe its just for me, but when i was overweight i never touch the sun yet my legs were darker than the rest of body)
-stay away from birthcontrol (maybe its just for me, but because of it my knees and underarms got darker.)
-DRINK ALOT OF WATER. i cannot stress this enough water is really important

thats basically it. i may have forgetten some but ill come back when i remember

Anonymous 18737

where can you buy authentic kagayaku rosmar soap?

Anonymous 18750

MJ did it

Anonymous 18751

okay but what's the point of skin whitening if the skin will always be covered

Anonymous 18764

Right now im using hidrógen peroxyde ( 30 volumes)to get my skin more light and it works , I have fair skin but for some reason my armpits and knees seem to be very dark ( compared to my skin tone) the faggot who cuts my hair told me he used hair bleach to clear all his skin and it really works but you can get hurt if you leave it in your skin more than 10 minutes ,I buy one of those boxes that they sell in the supermarket to bleach your hair at home , it was really cheap, anyway I mix the powder and the cream and I apply to my problem areas , wait 10 minutes and I rinse , after two times that I used it i can say my Skin is now all uniform and looks the same tone , be careful , and apply cream once you are finished , because the skin will be very dry, also put a little bit of the bleach in your arm before you do this ( sorry for the gramatical errors English it’s not my first lenguage

Anonymous 18789

Intravenous glutathione and vitamin C

Anonymous 18956

salma hayek isnt even that dark i hope you fail miserably at lightening your skin

Anonymous 20123

I have these awful dark spots in my feet because of friction. Hopefully this will help remove them
How many times you had to use it to notice any changes? And how frequently?

Anonymous 21045

This thread is giving brainrot I hope OP fails miserably. Dark skin is beautiful.

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