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What sunscreen do you guys use? Anonymous 12359

Anonymous 12360

None because I don't leave the house. Should I still be wearing some?

Anonymous 12365

No need unless you sit close to a window all day and don't own blinds or curtains.

I use a Nivea face sunscreen, it's cheap and a good dupe for the popular Japanese sunscreens.

Anonymous 12368

None because affordable ones have toxic shit and decent ones are really expensive. I'd rather leave the beach for winter and stay home in summer as much as I can.

Anonymous 12374


I’ve been using this for several years now. All American chemical sunscreens make my skin sting. This one doesn’t irritate my skin or leave a white tint. It makes you a little shiny but it’s nothing that powder can’t fix.

Anonymous 12377

Thanks, anon. I'll check it out.

Anonymous 12417

I use this too! It might be because I put it on thickly like regular sunscreen, but even on my pale skin it has a pearly white tint. My favorite is anessa, I just can’t afford it anymore.

Anonymous 12424

I used to use the Biore watery essence but now I use the Skin Aqua Super Moisture. Both are great, but I prefer the Skin Aqua one.

Anonymous 16063


Lately I've been really into trying different sunscreens. I really like the cetaphil sheer mineral face. The white cast isn't too harsh and it's not greasy. If anything it can be a bit drying on me, but I still really like it.

Anonymous 16698


pic rel. i also noticed its helped with my redness/seb derm skin issues
i'm trying to find a good stick version one that i can apply easily during the day. any recs?

Anonymous 16699

I recently bought Hado Labo's AM all-in-one SPF 50 moisturizer. I still have a few days' worth of my previous subscreen so I haven't used it yet. I'm a little worried about it being in a pot instead of a tube, but I'll just have to be careful.

Anonymous 16976

This one is so good. Anything other than 100% mineral sunscreens make my eyes water and sting so bad, and this one actually blends into your skin. The only issue is that i can notice residue in my eyebrows after putting it on, but i fix that by brushing some castor oil in my eyebrows after.

Anonymous 16977


A psa to all southern hemisphere nonas: wear your sunscreen!! I went outside for about three hours, didn't think it was too sunny, and now I am pic rel but in perpetual pain. It is bullshit. I want to tear off my skin.

Anonymous 17507


My mom bought this one for me. Seems to be good.

Anonymous 17570

I bought Bliss Block Star sunscreen a few weeks ago and I absolutely love it, it’s great for everyday use and it’s tinted so it helps hide imperfections on your face.

Anonymous 18065

I tried two korean sunscreens over the last month and can I just say theyre absolutely worth it. Aside from being cheap, they feel amazing on skin. I particularly repurchased IUNIK Centella Asiatica sunscreen and Beauty of Joseon's

Anonymous 18071

La-Roche Posay Anthelios SPF 65

Anonymous 18247


My dermatologist recommended me the UV Daily tinted one for my sensitive skin. It really is gentle and soothing, feels so moisturising. It dries down to a nice healthy glow, too, and not in the way that makes you look greasy.

My only complaint is that the tint can rub off on clothes and has stained a few of my shirts. This one also gives me a "heavy" feeling sometimes, similar to how makeup feels.

Anonymous 18249

You convinced me. I tried it and it's great indeed. The skin is neither glossy nor dry.
That's said, it is bloody expensive.

Anonymous 18856

eucerin 30spf loti…

I bought this one recently and I have such mixed opinions about it. It's a combination sunscreen so part mineral part chemical. It doesn't make my eyes burn which is a huge plus but it doesn't always go on smoothly/ blend into my skin properly. I noticed that it can pill easily too if I have lotion on underneath. It does double as a lotion though so I like how moisturizing it is. It isn't thick either which is nice. I think under makeup this can work really well but it's only 30 spf and if it's going to go under makeup then I would prefer a stronger spf so it has a better chance of lasting longer. Oh and the white cast is minimal but not ghostly. Eucerin recently came out with a tinted mineral sunscreen so I will probably give that a try next. I am a big fan of their products but this is the first I've tried from them where I thought it was just okay.

Anonymous 18866


EAU THERMALE AVENE mineral lotion
great if you have atopic dermatitis or a bunch of allergies
after application your skin may seem a bit oily and rly whitened, but after 15 minutes it looks just fine

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