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Saggy boobs advice Anonymous 18228

I've had saggy boobs since i was a teenager, and i feel insanely (obsessively?) insecure about it, to the point where every single time i see breasts, i think about my own and I feel embarrassed to wear a bikini or anything else where people can tell. i keep thinking about going back in time and somehow doing something different, wearing better bras etc. Obviously that's not possible, it seems the only option is surgery. In principle i'm against plastic surgery and i really don't want to do it but it, but i feel like it's impossible for me to love my body as it is. For now i'm doing pushups, are there any other non-surgery options?

Anonymous 18231

Are you me? I've had saggy tits since I was like 14, get reminded of them every time I see a pair, and can't really do anything about it since I'm also against plastic surgery by principle. I also think about what I could've done differently to make my boobs not as saggy, but really I think it's just because mine developed pretty early. Is this the case for you?

For advice, I would start with not wearing bras as often, and when you do wear them don't wear push-up bras or bras with an underwire. There seems to be mixed opinions on whether or not wearing bras causes the muscles holding your breasts up to atrophy, causing sagging, but there have been studies that have shown minimal breast lift in women that don't wear bras for extended periods of time. If that doesn't do anything, at the very least not wearing bras has gotten me used to the natural appearance of my own boobs which makes me less obsessive about their appearance. Hopefully, that can be the case for you too. Its also stopped me from comparing the way my boobs look in a bra to the way my boobs look without a bra, which really gets us nowhere.

Aside from not wearing bras, chest workouts have really helped me. Push ups are a good place to start, and if you're really serious about this you should be doing these workouts as well

Also, I know this is contradictory to say after telling you about how I've been insecure about my own boobs and giving you advice on how to fix them, but saggy breasts really aren't that big of a deal. I know it's hard not to compare yourself to other women, but still. A lot of women I know in real life don't have perfect breasts either, between lop-sidedness and sagging, so you're not alone. Besides, who are we trying to impress? Personally, I'm a lesbian and I've never run into another lesbian, or woman in general, that has ever made me feel insecure about my boobs in any way, shape, or form. If you're straight, which I'm assuming you are, please just forget about being appealing to males. Most males have had their expectations warped by porn, and why would you care about being appealing to some ugly, balding, porn addicted moid? Think about it. Would you really spend thousands of your hard earned dollars on surgery to be more pleasing to the eyes of porn addicted men? Males will sexualize everything under the sun, human or not human, breathing or not breathing, so having breasts that are a little saggy is practically nothing. Any male worth his salt will just be happy to see boobs in general.

That's the end of my rambling. If you get nothing from this, at least you know you're not alone, nona. Best wishes to you.

Anonymous 18235

Mine grew very fast, and i always assumed they turned out like this because as a teen i could never find a bra that actually fit (having a small circumference and big cup), because they don't cater to those sizes in general clothing stores. (Later discovered they have my size in lingerie stores, but obviously im spending a lot more money per bra than someone who can buy them in h&m.) I ended up wearing sports bras or no bras for a long time, so i figured that without support the weight probably stretched the skin?
It's not so for the sake of sexual appeal that i'm bothered by it, it's rather that i'm grieving the freedom to be comfortable in my own skin and to accept myself. Your body is going to be with you until the bitter end, it shouldn't be your enemy. I'll try to incorporate the exercises in my workouts, and to gain back some weight i lost.

Anonymous 18246

I think most women are self conscious about their breasts. Mine have always been saggy and my nipples look like a slice of bologna with a rolo on it. I do plan on getting plastic surgery but I lift dumbbells in the mean time. Targeting chest and back has given me a about an inch or so of lift but they still look horrid. Why are y'all so against plastic surgery?

Anonymous 18264


it's genetics, largely. exception being after being pregnant or losing a lot of weight.
there is nothing. just accept it.

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