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Preggo clown Anonymous 18544

So I’m pregnant. And I am so uncomfortable and tired. It feels like turning inside out. It’s because I waited until I’m “advanced maternal age”. I have never been this uncomfortable in my life.

I know it’s not the baby’s fault - it’s just my stupid old body and the fact that I’ve always been sensitive and delicate with issues regarding my body (lifelong sickly but no diseases).

I’m glad it’s going to be a girl but oof it’s hard. I’m just ready to not be so tired and my guts feel like its gonna spill out onto the floor.

And it’s like, no body talks about it. Like yeah I know labors difficult or when something is really wrong. But apparently the baby and I are having a normal pregnancy yet UGH this awful feeling of not being comfortable in my own skin bc every position I sit or lay or stand is awful and I’m only in my second trimester.

Sorry for the vent. I guess I’m just upset I’m not some radiant earth mother goddess walking around barefoot showing off my growing belly.

Anonymous 18547

This sounds scary and isolating, I send good wishes to you, mama.

Anonymous 18548


Thanks anon. I just hope I stop sleeping so fucking much. Like I currently am falling asleep at 5am and walking up at 5pm it’s so annoying.

It’s not scary as much as frustrating and annoying. I wanted this. It is isolating though bc I do feel alone. I don’t have any friends where I live. But I’m used to feeling isolated and alone (it’s nbd).

Really, I just want the 9 months to be over so I can stop feeling icky and get the annoying painful part over with if that makes sense.

Anonymous 18929

How are you doing anon? If you still come here, of course.

Anonymous 18931

Damn, that sounds bad. What age is advanced maternal age? I want to wait until 30. Maybe I should just let it be, idk

Anonymous 19033

Iktf, pregnancy sucks. I hope you enjoy being a mom anon. :)

What trimester are you in? I slept a lot in first and second trimester but couldn't sleep much in 3rd trimester because I was so uncomfortable.

35. Before it was called advanced maternal age they used to call it geriatric pregnancy. If you can have kids earlier it is better, being pregnant at this age js considered high risk in obstetrics.

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