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fasting Anonymous 18842

whats your stance on fasting and such. is it actually, like, an eating disorder thing or is it ok and normal. ive been taking vitamins and fasting and drinking water and teas but apparently that's just ed stuff. even when i dont want to eat (which is always, just because i dont care that much) its apparently an ed thing to have no appetite.. nonas help

Anonymous 18843

fasting is normal, unless you do it constantly and your health is threatened.
If you have no appetite something else is probably going on thay you should speak to the doctor about. You don't sound like you have an ED.

Anonymous 18844

I don't think it can rightfully be called an eating disorder. I'm so close to incidentally fasting at 16:8 (I'm not a breakfast person) that I have a really easy time doing it in the winter. It slims me down a little but it's not the magic weightloss bullet people pretend it is. If your loss of appetite is impacting your ability to eat enough to function (in general, less than your BMR over an extended period of time), see a doctor.

Anonymous 18845

im fine i just want to lose weight and its not like i dont have an appetite but i just dont have the natural urge to eat i guess
its not being directly affected i just pretty much force myself to eat because it seems like i may have one but ive been thinking i dont but i dont really feel like i do but i eat anyway but i do not mind not eating at all and when i fasted for a week everything was ok but after around 5 days i didnt really feel that hungry anyway sooo i mean im fine

Anonymous 18846

>i just want to lose weight
Google "TDEE calculator" and plug your numbers in. Start counting calories and eat less than that. Add light cardio and weights (even something as simple as a walk and dinky 3lb dumbbells) if you are up to it. Understand that it takes time so if you are at the end of a week of "good behavior" and don't see the results you want it's because it takes months of good behavior to really see it (this was infuriating to me when I first began weight loss and was responsible for several false starts because I just gave up, lol).

Anonymous 18847

vitamins won’t be absorbed if you aren’t consuming macros with them. i dont think this is any more disordered than what most chubby people have to do to diet. i gained 40lbs during my undergrad, did what you did with tea and soymilk for a few months and then lost all the weight and went back to eating normally. its been a few years and I still haven’t gained it back

Anonymous 18848

>Google "TDEE calculator" and plug your numbers in
btw this is extremely depressing and demotivating if you're an average sized woman or smaller (say, 5'3) and not very fat. You'd have to eat at disordered levels to lose any noticeable weight, incompatible with any normative, socially acceptable eating patterns.

Anonymous 18849

in my experience, long fasts (2 weeks or more) are not conducive to health and harm your metabolism afterward, but shorter fasts (like 24-72 hours) are not harmful and can be very beneficial

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