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Period pain tips? Anonymous 19157

I have extremely bad period pains on the first day. So bad I have to skip school or anything I have planned that day because of the pain. It usually includes cramps along with vomiting and an aching pain in my uterus. I refuse to get on birth control so does anyone know any at home remedies to ease the pain? Sorry if this was TMI.

Anonymous 19167

If it's that bad it's likely abnormal and seeing a gyno would be your best bet… it sounds like you might have something like endometriosis. I relate to not wanting to go on BC and many doctors might recommend that as a first attempt at treatment because it's cheap, try to find a good one who will listen to your concerns and explain possibilities for alternative treatments. However if you truly have a disorder like endo, there may not be many other options besides surgery.
At home you can try using a hot water pack or using NSAIDs (ibuprofen, aspirin). Some women find that changing their diet to avoid certain foods helps.

Anonymous 19169

Gyno + laparoscopy would remove any Endo/cysts making periods painful. No hormones needed

If a doctor immediately throws you on BC with no further testing do not see that doctor again, BC can make endo worse

Anonymous 19180

Honestly, masturbation is probably the most immediate and effective period pain relief there is

Also staying hydrated + taking ibuprofen. I drink a lot of sugar-free Gatorade or something with electrolytes during my period

Anonymous 19181

Anons are right you should probably go to a gyno, but it you can't/don't want to, try painkillers with a different active ingredient than what you've been using so far. Not all active ingredients work the same.

Anonymous 20242

take your preferred painkiller at the first hint of pain, and drink lots of water. also, avoid overeating or eating too many sugary things. i used to puke from how bad my cramps were, and doing all that has helped me so much.

Anonymous 20244

>take your preferred painkiller at the first hint of pain
Honestly I take painkiller immediately when I first start bleeding. Whenever I don't, I regret it within 12 hours.

But OP should probably see a doctor.

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