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weight gain Anonymous 19283

i suffer from being too skinny and being really flat. it's always been my main issue in life and it is due to genetics so I know theres not much I can do but for a while now I've been exploring ways to gain weight. yet as someone who struggles to eat one full meal a day I simply cannot find the appetite. along with having 0 gym experience it's extremly difficult. on top of that i'm actually a bit afraid to gain weight because I already have a fat face. any tips to gain weight in the right places? i would do anything to have a better body

Anonymous 19293


I have the opposite problem, but one thing is the same:

You have to allow yourself time to be become accustomed to eating more/less food. Thankfully human bodies adapt to new eating habits fast. Just don't go to extremes right away or you'll fail/giveup.

Start with a glass of juice or chocolate milk outside your meal time (those Naked smoothie juices have more calories, vitamins, and taste better than apple/orange juice). Do that every day until it stops feeling like a chore. Then add another drink for a total of two a day, spaced a few hours apart. Make sure you don't have your drinks too close to your one meal, because liquids make you feel full.

The easiest way to start putting on weight is drinking calories. That's why alcoholics and soda addicts whine about not being able to lose weight despite not eating much.

I don't recommend soda or alcohol though lol. Both are addictive and not good for longevity. Milk and juice can provide vitamins and minerals.

As for increasing your food intake, another skellyfag could probably give you better advice than me. But I want you to know there is hope for you. I was obese the last few years and couldn't have a large pizza near me because I'd impulsively eat the whole thing in one go. After I pushed myself through a couple weeks of OMAD, my body adjusted to it in only a couple weeks. Now a month and a half later (halfway to my GW) my brother brought me a medium pizza from a restaurant last night. I ate two slices and was done, the thought of another bite made me feel nauseous despite not eating anything else the entire day. The same should be true in reverse: hard at first, but it becomes habit.

We live in an era where skinniness is considered ideal because most people are fat, so unforch there's not much help for people who hate being skinny. I feel for you though, good luck

Anonymous 19367


>any tips to gain weight in the right places?
you cannot control the place where you get fat. it's genetically determined what fat cells gonna store fat first. Stay skinny.

Anonymous 19368

you could probably control it by taking estrogen as a biological woman but this might backfire

Anonymous 19371

Fuck being skinny. The habit /need to be liked by males is the most insufferable oppressive slavery that you get zilch in return for. Being skinny gets you nothing just harassed in public and targeted with a different kind of hate.

Being liked by males guarantees you've sacrificed too much and endured some kind of mental/physical hell along the way. It's a joke to consider it. Why would you hold yourself in contempt enough to live as a joke ? Men are filth

Who cares if you can't know what kind of wackjob you're going to get

Anonymous 19372

You will get cancer first

Anonymous 19374

if this was true women would turn into anime characters while pregnant. Majority of it is just genetics

Anonymous 19382

I really think gymming would help with 'proper weight gain' by building back and glute muscles. i think there r vid out there about people weight training at home, i looked into a subreddit called strong curves. they said the basics for it to be effective is proper form and some sort of progressive overload. i want to try weight training at home too but i have no will

Anonymous 19383

i also had a tiny bit ofsuccess after taking bc/anti androgens for acne as a side effect, but i wouldnt go around n recommend it jst for that

Anonymous 19409

I guarantee that if you eat calorie dense foods consistently like croissants, hamburgers, pizza, ice creams, and sugary drinks you will gain weight even if very skinny

Anonymous 19442

Yeah but the problem is actually getting those down

Anonymous 19484


agree with >>19293

theres these boost high calorie drinks you can get on amazon. a case of them is a little expensive but you get like a months worth of them, and theyre 530 calories for only like 8 ounces of liquid. theyre a little mid tasting in that its just a lot of nutrients packed into a tiny ass drink, and they have to make it Not taste like ass, so in my opinion the chocolate one is the most tolerable. but you can chug one pretty fast, and they helped me.

also, if youre open to it, smoke weed. it will make youre stomach feel like a black hole, able to suck anything in without a feeling of fullness. but if its not up your ally, just slowly stretch your stomach out over time with more foods and liquids, eventually youll feel really hungry three times a day, and even have room for in between snacks, which will put on pounds

Anonymous 19486

These nutrition shakes are a scam. Just get a blender and blend milk, banana, protein powder, and peanut butter.

Anonymous 19512

Yep this is the way. Having more muscle mass increases your basal medabolic rate so you can eat normal amounts and have your body actually utilize the energy instead of just storing it as fat. Pick up a copy of starting strength and study it so you can learn to lift without getting hurt.

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