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Face yoga Anonymous 19574

Do you think face yoga is legit? does anyone here have experience doing face exercises?

Anonymous 19575

I think it can definitely be a legit thing but I never have the routine down and consistency to keep it up and see improvements

Anonymous 19577

probably. i think that just being active improves the fat distribution in your face and makes you look better

Anonymous 19581

This is photoshop, make-up, lighting and plastic surgery.
>being active improves the fat distribution in your face and makes you look better
Apparently, lifting (strength training) specifically does that.

Anonymous 19596

I am doing guasha and girl, I see the result! My jawline is more defined. I’ve been doing that since this summer!! It also help with your facial muscle! Do it!!

Anonymous 19619

>maybe if I look in the mirror and make funny faces for 15 minutes every morning, I'll change my facial bone structure
nona, no… that's not how genetics works. the closest you'll ever get to actually changing the shape of your bones without the use of plastic surgery is several years of weightlifting and adherence to a diet that is conducive to testosterone production. i'm not saying "take troonpills", but rather, "eat lots of red meat and dairy and work out 3x a week".

Anonymous 19779


You mean using a gua sha ?

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