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Color analysis Anonymous 19661

>Color analysis (American English; colour analysis in Commonwealth English), also known as personal color analysis (PCA), seasonal color analysis, or skin-tone matching, is a term often used within the cosmetics and fashion industry to describe a method of determining the colors of clothing, makeup, hair style that harmonizes with a person's skin complexion, eye color, and hair color for use in wardrobe planning and style consulting.[1] It is generally agreed that the wrong colors will draw attention to such flaws as wrinkles or uneven skin tone while harmonious colors will enhance the natural beauty of the individual making them appear healthy, brighter, and possible more attractive or put-together.

General thread for color analysis discussion, ask for/share advice, color palettes, etc.

Anonymous 19662

I feel that my eye, skin, and hair color do not harmonize with each other and make it impossible to find a coherent color spectrum for myself. What do….

Anonymous 19663

What colors are they?

Anonymous 19664

try finding celebrities with similar skin tones and hair/eye color and see what they wear

Anonymous 19678

so how do u find out which one u are?

Anonymous 19681

nta but you can start with this guide:
then narrow down to 1-2 seasons if you still don't know your season. and then you can try draping. i like this site for digital drapes:

Anonymous 19684

I have dark hair, light brown eyes, with light skin that has a very minimal yellow undertone. I mostly wear “winter” colors and feel they suit me, hope I’m correct

Anonymous 19707


Yeah I kept saying videos about it on my fyp and YouTube shorts and tbh I think it's placebo effects or just something that limits your creativity.. also are those places wayyyy too expensive for the services they offer, even consider they lay out a bunch of colored towels on your shoulders in front of a mirror and talk you into picking a side. I've seen the results of some of these and I was just left utterly shocked.
Yeah, maybe some people look better in certain tones and colors but it certainly doesn't apply to the majority of us. It feels like such a scam

Anonymous 19713

I remember this from the 90s/00s. It's just another rehashed trend

Anonymous 19715

light blue eyes, white with olive undertones, brown eyebrows with darker brown hair, streaks of blonde due to dye fading.. i have the blobfish phenotype

Anonymous 19791


Honestly, shit borders on astrology. But it has some merits: I had never really wondered what color suited me best, I just used to pick whatever I liked.

Anonymous 19792


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