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Anonymous 19763

What do you do on sundays or no-work days to keep your mental and body health up?

Anonymous 19764

ride my bike around the neighbourhood if the weather is nice

Anonymous 19765

for mental health i write in my journal and i ban sad music after 7:30 p.m, i also draw, read, play with my girl cat, study, anything to keep my mind occupied and safe from the Sundays sadness, im too lazy to have a workout routine but i think my skincare and haircare routines can count as body health :3

Anonymous 19766

journal, foodprep, reading

Anonymous 19767

I drink
It helps my body health because all my stress goes away

Anonymous 19768

I read, journal and crochet. Sometimes I go for a walk in the woods if the weather is nice. Or I try to anyway, I also often end up on the couch browsing. I should workout but I never do.

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