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makeup general Anonymous 20112

Post anything about makeup that doesn't deserve its own thread!

Anonymous 20114

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I have a very cool-toned face. I went out and bought some bright, warm lipstick and blush and the difference is amazing! I look so much better.

I'm also going for the no makeup makeup look so I got an eyebrow pencil that matches my haircolor petfectly. The powder is a bit too dark for my brows but it's perfect to use to blend out my eyeliner. I'm so happy!

I was going to get some concealer or foundation but I'm on the fence. I don't get acne very often, but my face has sone red areas (looks like rosacea, I've never been to a derm so I don't know if it is or isn't) and some discoloration. I don't really need/want to look poreless/filtered so I may just keep the look as it is and add a tinted sunscreen.

Anonymous 20115

i've never used makeup before and would probably look like a clown because of how bad i am

Anonymous 20117

If you're not interested I wouldn't bother. If you're interested look up tutorials and practice at home.

Anonymous 20132

>I have a very cool-toned face. I went out and bought some bright, warm lipstick and blush and the difference is amazing! I look so much better.
Shouldn't warm toned makeup clash with your cool toned skin (and hair/eyes presumably) and make it look worse?


kinda unhinged but has anyone else took off their mascara with spit because they were to tired to wash off their makeup but didnt want to go to bed with most of it on???????????????????? sorry i might jiust have been gross a few times……

Anonymous 20522

no but I've used water instead of makeup remover

Anonymous 20608


I wish someone would tell her there is a better way…

Anonymous 20700

Until now I've done a low-key natural makeup look but I started wearing bright red lipstick and I really like it. Definitely different but I'm in my 30s and I think it's a nice change from trying to look like I don't give a fuck when I do. Yeah, I'm wearing make up! No, I didn't wake up like this!

Anonymous 20702

>No, I didn't wake up like this!

no you don't think this world would be better if people were more honest. this world is just your theater-stage for you to play pretend on with all the other liars. you're the main character and you prefer everything to be fake. reality? fuck reality, you have something better: your narrative.

i get it when young people lie, they are dumb, they don't understand consequences. but you are old. you have seen cause and effect unfold and yet you still prefer to be fake over being real.

just like a tranny you identify with illusion and just like a tranny you are gonna regret betraying the truth with your theater.

spineless consumer victim.

Anonymous 20706

Weird rant, but ok. I actually went makeup free for a few years which was nice in many ways. Right now I like doing my face up, so I'll continue to do so.

Anonymous 20707

>Weird rant, but ok. I actually went without lying for a while and my nose actually did stop growing. Right now I like lying, so I'll continue to do so.

Anonymous 20716

based makeup wearing women are uncle toms and perpetuate misogyny

Anonymous 20799

See, this take I get. But I don't get the other poster's puritanical moid rage rant.

Anonymous 20804

>See, this take I get. But I don't get the other poster's puritanical moid rage rant.

it is too deep for you.

imagine you went the other way in life and instead of chasing wealth and approval you would have chased the thing that wealth and approval demand you to sacrifice. what if you did not abort your soul and your integrity and instead nourished it and see it grow, wouldn't you have liked to know what kind of person you would have become if you stopped playing dumb and dared to step off the conveyor belt? this is the thought i imagine inauthentic people are tortured by. what if you would have decided to be stronger then the popular demand and became what you were meant to be, following your interests and intuition instead of your disgraceful leaders.

Anonymous 20808

But I'm a poor. I'm not chasing wealth at all.

Anonymous 20809

But I'm a poor. I'm not chasing wealth at all.

then you sacrificed your soul for nothing

Anonymous 21032

Does anyone else feel like foundation is a total scam? Italways ends up making my face look so much heavier even thpugh I apply it lightly. I also hate when young girls slather their acne with foundation. The texture is still visible, it seems like a waste.

Anonymous 21033

>Does anyone else feel like foundation is a total scam? Italways ends up making my face look so much heavier even thpugh I apply it lightly. I also hate when young girls slather their acne with foundation. The texture is still visible, it seems like a waste.

Your face will always be sweating buckets when wearing foundation

Anonymous 21034

stop schizoposting

Anonymous 21414

I posted before about wearing warm-toned makeup on my cool-toned face… Although I liked it I realized it does clash with my skin so I'm going back to cool tones now that I've used up stuff like blush and lipstick.

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