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How to get smaller shoulders Anonymous 20186

So i have these awful broad man shoulders (like its ridiculous) and I really want feminine, smaller, curved shoulders, what can I do? Please help!

Anonymous 20187

you cant change your bone structure

Anonymous 20188

Hack them off.

No but seriously what do you expect us to tell you? You can't magically make your frame smaller. At best you can learn how to dress to flatter your proportions, but you're never going to look petite if you aren't petite.

Anonymous 20190

Best bet is to learn to lean into your features rather than attempting to balance or hide them.
Looking into Kibbe image ID can help with style advice that isn’t just dressing to create an hourglass or telling you to “wear what you want sweaty”. The actual type you get isn’t that important but learning to accommodate your insecurities and reflect them in your clothing lines helps.
I used to really hate my fleshy arms (still do but also used to) and hide them in long fitted sleeves or oversized sport hoodies but it would end up just making them look bigger but once I started dressing in softer flowy drapey tops my arms didn’t seem so squishy because everything just kind of works. Genuinely hope that helps!

Anonymous 20192

>>20190 thank you sm!
>>20188 I just meant like exercises and stuff lol

Anonymous 20194


Don't be dumb

You cannot make your skeleton smaller. There are no "exercises" for this. There is no mechanism by which developing your muscles would magically make your bones and joints look smaller. Fashion tips which claim to "disguise" broad shoulders only create dissonance and make you look weird.

You will always have broad shoulders. If you believe they are "man shoulders" you have internalized stupid ideas about what women's shoulders look like and probably have body dysmorphia. Accept and embrace your build, or suffer and make a fool of yourself.

Anonymous 20195

if you do exercises youll make your shoulders bigger

Anonymous 20198

Just go for an androgynous-yet-femme look

Anonymous 20220

Not possible. If your shoulders are naturally broad it's because of the skeleton underneath.

I've never seen a woman with "broad man shoulders" even if she was tall btw unless she was super muscular, you're probably just imagining things to be much worse than they are.

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